(America has been misdirected through the influence of non-Christian religions and heresy!)

Satan hates purity and marital sanctity. Eve was a woman who knew only one man. She had sex with only Adam, and her conscience was not afflicted with knowledge of sexual defilement with other men. That is the way God wants marriage, pure, the wife having a one-man cognizance factor concerning sexual relationship.

In the early last century, America's women were covered well. Fashion modeling was on a much different scale. After the former waves of conta-cultural immigration and the beginning of the USA's race and culture-breaking demise, sexual immodesty sprang up. The roaring twenties came about with public disgrace. Fashion deteriorated. America was never the same again. The basic family values were challenged more aggressively with lewdness and anti-Christian thought. If America was ever great, it was when it demanded racial homogeneity and before the institution of the Federal Reserve Bank.

Today, modern social, stars and those that influence fashion are quite loose compared to the women of the former era. Take for instance, beautiful and Jewish, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump's daughter. By the way, I love her as a little sister. She stated,

"I look at my brothers and myself and I’m, like, really proud of the fact that nobody’s, like, totally f[xx]ked-up. Nobody’s a drug addict, nobody’s driving around chasing women, snorting coke."[6] (Taken from Wikepedia on December 7, 2015 on the webpage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivanka_Trump#Education. Brackets and x's were not Wikipedia's and were used to lessen the profound effect of foul language.)

Granted, it's great if her family is not addicted on dope and seeking new fornication experiences. However, merely avoiding such things are only part of what should be expected of decent, role models.

An acceptable leader and example (male or female) should not have any continuing personality or character stains. Even if a person's life is not totally messed-up, repentance of the known sins should be made. From America's early and more correct, Christian perspective, moral integrity, chastity or single damage control, purity and sobriety is to be expected.


Abolish Slavery Inversion and Affirmative Action!

Free Persecuted, White Male Children

Dowry Price: How Much A Man Should Pay

Femininity for Females

Marital Sanctity

The Jewish Tolerate Remarriage and Defiled Women

Joyce Meyer

Donnie Swaggart

Cognizance Factor

Continuous Sin

Fornication Recovery

Making Righteous Separation

Danger of a woman in the workplace: She is vulnerable as to being raped or seduced.

Movement 2016: Donald Trump Prayer

Honor Noah's Blessing