Reviewing The Paradox of Parasitism
Between The So-called Black Christian
And The Anti-Christian, Moslem




Genocide Of Political Diversity: A Need For Demographic Sectorization

"Looking forward a century or two, we can see an economic and political death struggle for the survival of the different race groups. Many of our present-day national centres will have become overcrowded with vast surplus populations. The fight for bread and position will be keen and severe. The weaker and unprepared group is bound to go under. That is why, visionaries as we are in the Universal Negro Improvement Association, we are fighting for the founding of a negro nation in Africa, so that there will be no clash between black and white and that each race will have a separate existence and civilization all its own without courting suspicion and hatred or eyeing each other with jealousy and rivalry within the borders of the same country." Marcus Garvey

"The Negro's Greatest Enemy," published in Current History (18:6, September 1923)




Paradox Of Both Separation And Diversity Promotion, But Evident Lack Of Desire Or Amicable Autonomy Of All Races Even Among The Separatists

Today, there is a paradox among blacks. The Moslems speak openly about separation whereas many so-called "Christians" do not. Jesse Jackson promotes diversity and social plunder among hamstrung whites whereas many Moslems and others admittedly realize that diversity is a cause of great social distress, and even may lead to war.

However, blacks from various religions misuse propaganda and slanderously distort the desire for White or racial autonomy as an attempt of White supremacy due to denial of their own or their ancestors' reluctance to amicably and politically unite in the pursuit of racial self determination not only with blacks but whites also, and racially detach as Abraham Lincoln encouraged. (Note: Another word for the devil is diabolos, meaning "slanderer, false accuser" in the Greek.)




Even Anti-Christian, Black Moslems Realize That They And Whites Should Not Integrate

Minister Louis Farrakhan: In His Own Words - On Jews

"I'm not into integration. I ain't for that. God told the Jews, he didn't want you intermarrying with others. But you disobeyed him. He don't want us uniting into this that he's come to judge… You can't integrate with wickedness if you want righteousness."
8th Anniversary The Holy Day of Atonement speech at Mosque Maryam, Chicago, 10/16/03 (6-8-2005)

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Malcolm X, edited by Imam Benjamin Karim



Abraham Lincoln Politically Began To Pave The Road To The Separation Of The Races And Detachment Of The Negro From The White Race In The USA

I would like to seem as a friend and encourage, not enrage people of adverse races or religions. But I must admit, in contradiction to Malcolm X, among many other things, if anyone has ever inflicted a wrong upon a black man in America, it has been the comfort-loving black who refused to amicably repatriate (return to Africa).

Even though the emigrating Black had to consider he may have to return to a hostile land of uncivilized people where previous Christian self-determination was not prevalent, and natives even captured and sold victims of their own race, he was also obligated to realize he may not be wanted in any other non-African country. Other countries have issues about people immigrating to their country -- they have their own people and concerns to take care of. The decision to leave the USA was an important matter for each individual. Those who emigrated through repatriation no longer had to deal with the white man or his white way of living: It required self-denial, if an intelligent and grave decision was made, to leave the goodness of his native America (whether a slave or freeman) for the sake of pilgrimage, white racial morality and civilization.

Lincoln was kind but outspoken concerning the detrimental, race-afflicting, loving of comfort of the black man. He realized that love of comfort and attachment to the white man, not the lack of material or political success, had to be overcome if the black should ever progress toward the stature of the white man:

Address on Colonization to a Deputation of Negroes [1]

August 14, 1862

This afternoon the President of the United States gave audience to a Committee of colored men at the White House. They were introduced

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by the Rev. J. Mitchell, Commissioner of Emigration. E. M. Thomas, the Chairman, remarked that they were there by invitation to hear what the Executive had to say to them. Having all been seated, the President, after a few preliminary observations, informed them that a sum of money had been appropriated by Congress, and placed at his disposition for the purpose of aiding the colonization in some country of the people, or a portion of them, of African descent, thereby making it his duty, as it had for a long time been his inclination, to favor that cause; and why, he asked, should the people of your race be colonized, and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. You here are freemen I suppose.

A VOICE: Yes, sir.

The President---Perhaps you have long been free, or all your lives. Your race are suffering, in my judgment, the greatest wrong

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inflicted on any people. But even when you cease to be slaves, you are yet far removed from being placed on an equality with the white race. You are cut off from many of the advantages which the other race enjoy. The aspiration of men is to enjoy equality with the best when free, but on this broad continent, not a single man of your race is made the equal of a single man of ours. Go where you are treated the best, and the ban is still upon you.

I do not propose to discuss this, but to present it as a fact with which we have to deal. I cannot alter it if I would. It is a fact, about which we all think and feel alike, I and you. We look to our condition, owing to the existence of the two races on this continent. I need not recount to you the effects upon white men, growing out of the institution of Slavery. I believe in its general evil effects on the white race. See our present condition---the country engaged in war!---our white men cutting one another's throats, none knowing how far it will extend; and then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or the other. Nevertheless, I repeat, without the institution of Slavery and the colored race as a basis, the war could not have an existence.

It is better for us both, therefore, to be separated. I know that there are free men among you, who even if they could better their condition are not as much inclined to go out of the country as those, who being slaves could obtain their freedom on this condition. I suppose one of the principal difficulties in the way of colonization is that the free colored man cannot see that his comfort would be advanced by it. You may believe you can live in Washington or elsewhere in the United States the remainder of your life [as easily], perhaps more so than you can in any foreign country, and hence you may come to the conclusion that you have nothing to do with the idea of going to a foreign country. This is (I speak in no unkind sense) an extremely selfish view of the case.

But you ought to do something to help those who are not so fortunate as yourselves. There is an unwillingness on the part of our people, harsh as it may be, for you free colored people to remain with us. Now, if you could give a start to white people, you would open a wide door for many to be made free. If we deal with those who are not free at the beginning, and whose intellects are clouded by Slavery, we have very poor materials to start with. If intelligent colored men, such as are before me, would move in this matter, much might be accomplished. It is exceedingly important that

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we have men at the beginning capable of thinking as white men, and not those who have been systematically oppressed.

There is much to encourage you. For the sake of your race you should sacrifice something of your present comfort for the purpose of being as grand in that respect as the white people. It is a cheering thought throughout life that something can be done to ameliorate the condition of those who have been subject to the hard usage of the world. It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels he is worthy of himself, and claims kindred to the great God who made him. In the American Revolutionary war sacrifices were made by men engaged in it; but they were cheered by the future. Gen. Washington himself endured greater physical hardships than if he had remained a British subject. Yet he was a happy man, because he was engaged in benefiting his race---something for the children of his neighbors, having none of his own.

The colony of Liberia has been in existence a long time. In a certain sense it is a success. The old President of Liberia, Roberts, has just been with me---the first time I ever saw him. He says they have within the bounds of that colony between 300,000 and 400,000 people, or more than in some of our old States, such as Rhode Island or Delaware, or in some of our newer States, and less than in some of our larger ones. They are not all American colonists, or their descendants. Something less than 12,000 have been sent thither from this country. Many of the original settlers have died, yet, like people elsewhere, their offspring outnumber those deceased.

The question is if the colored people are persuaded to go anywhere, why not there? One reason for an unwillingness to do so is that some of you would rather remain within reach of the country of your nativity. I do not know how much attachment you may have toward our race. It does not strike me that you have the greatest reason to love them. But still you are attached to them at all events.


Author: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.


Title: Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 5, P. 370-373.


Publication date: 1953


Electronic Form: sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Association (6-9-2005)


Blacks Had An Offer To Go Back To Africa: Some Former Blacks Repatriated

Some blacks refused an invitation for a settlement of their own in Africa during the Civil War. That is why we see so many remaining in the United States today. However, achieving self-progress, previously some were willing and relocated (as may be seen above in the Lincoln address). These Negroes were not only free from slavery; they were free from attachment to the White man as long as they wanted. Also, in the early 1900's, there was a subsequent, amicable, separation and emigration movement in the USA through Marcus Garvey. Still, the attachment to the white at every event proved to be greater than the repatriation movement.

Nevertheless, these black people who made a move to go back to their ancestor's land made a significant step and left the states, broke the attachment to the white and sacrificed the love of contemporary comfort and American nativity, and made their own way. Seemingly as some blacks erroneously would have others think that the black was forced to live in the states, to the contrary, the contemporary black people of the United States have not been deprived by the white man of an opportunity to leave their white neighbor's land and repatriate: the white man even helped their ancestors do it on previous occasions politically and financially. The reason that the black man is in the United States today is because his ancestors were not one of those who took the initiative and opportunity to repatriate back to Africa.

The American Black's Contemporary Psychological Unfitness And Continuous Denial Of Their Attachment To The White Man As Lincoln Stated

(Seemingly, this fault is do to corruptly, devolving American politics and lack of Christian teaching concerning millennial homogeneity, genetics, destiny and divinity due to the blessing of Noah. Evidence of the desire of Black superior living and overcoming through grace can be noticed in African Christian communities.)

The question is will there be another successful attempt for repatriation or is the comfort and attractivity too strong now? Or do those who are attached to the white man's progress or failures prefer now the role as the new joint-Edomite plunderer? Those who are racially moral and make purity their goal, and succeed, will have to remember what it takes: A will, similar as one trying to overcome drug abuse -- seemingly torturing themselves if necessary, to detach and sacrifice of "comfort" (desire for present material or seemingly social gain through integration).

It is even less likely that blacks have the will to overcome the comfort problem and attempt to make such an emigration movement today. It would be unreasonable to think otherwise considering the facts, especially since they have much more political clout to persuade politicians than persecuted and desovereignized whites these days. However, if some of their more noble should desire racial purity, it would be to their advantage to expand their political outreach uniting all races in a mutual, racial separation endeavor, and exercise their might along with other races for political, group sectorization and autonomy for all races, not advantage for blacks only.

Proper attitude is very important. Blacks must forsake any arrogant thought of misdirected vengeance due to a misconception that they were forced to attach themselves to the white man. In a more humble manner, perhaps they should even consider that they were at least somewhat socially advanced by the white man even through slavery. (You must realize that some Blacks were sold in Africa by their own people.)

Experience Has Taught The White That He Must Never Deceive Himself So As To Think The Black People As A Group (Or Inferiors) Will Have Self-voluntary Virtue As A White Man:
Evidence Of Lack Of Religious Virtue For Racial And Cultural Homogeneity, And Wasted Prosperity

The general, black vote has been for self-interest, for what they want, not moral interest, and destructive politicians and media, especially Talmudicist White-hate propaganda through control of TV and news broadcasting have utilized their quickness to turn against the white as a tool of desovereignization, and misused the black people and other anti-whites to destroy a once honored, Christian nation. Anti-white antagonism has undermined and brought about devastation and overthrow of the USA government. Millions of abortions/murders have occurred in the USA since the oppressive and dispossessive, institution of Affirmative Action. Adultery has become rampant. Miscegenation is frequent. White culture and demographics have been changed.

Concerning the fraud of Affirmative Action, the inhabitants of the USA should have been our helpers of the whites, not our destroyers and defrauders. Yet, the controlled media and the non-whites have thrived as our country was laid in ruin. These things are memorialized with honoring a Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Even as evident as the words of Abraham Lincoln were concerning such threat of calamity, we were betrayed and hammered further into dispossession with disrespect and ingratitude by those who prospered among us. Their treachery will not go unpunished.

Personally, I think blacks as a group are almost worthless to the cause of moral idealism and racial purity of the races, especially seeing how they have excessively consumed these days, and denied the most important historical and psychological facts as to their continuance in America. They are still hand-out seekers (even reparation seekers because they were made servants rather than masters, tenants instead of landlords, students instead of schoolmasters, taught Christianity instead of Marxism (the seed of ungratefulness and overthrow) or Islam (an Arabic, false, warned-against, deceitful, form of worship) -- at least until the 40's! They were not willing to honor the government of others and earn their own way, or to repatriate and contribute through moral, non-parasitic, hard work, which is a requisite for successful, tribal self-determination and equal opportunity. Group separation has only been a commitment of a few, not the aggregate. If they really wanted to make their own way of life, they could have asked Bush or many former presidents and Congress for a deputation to help them repatriate back to Africa as some blacks did with Lincoln (without sucking blood as a parasite or attempting to devastate the white man's economy and society). Most are not like Garvey, a pioneer who asked for reasonable help; he did not try to bankrupt or oppress the white man in his noble attempt for group separation.

Historically, when opportunity arises, it seems a black's avaricious, intrusive or brutal desires can't be quenched; they have not demonstrated the selfless, higher moral of group prosperity known of the white man, the principle which Lincoln tried to help the repatriation deputation to understand. A superior people must demand superiority and separation from others, not merely request it. His partially thought-out ideal and attempt to help promote an inferior race to the white man's level generally proved a failure and became a noose for his own people. Erroneous Abe was more favorable and gentle with the blacks than the Southern white men whom he refused their right to secession. As we can see today after years of pestilence, many of the blacks' modern, "success heroes", have been systematically spoiled through factional, Civil Rights and Affirmative Action acts, experiencing a degree of detrimental power similarly as unlearned Shechem, the Hivite. For example, baseball, football, basketball, and golf players, movie stars, and business men have sought fleshly self-interest rather than amicable, homogeneous community interest, and lack natural virtue; they haven't even so much as adhered to the simple ideal of progress and exhortation of racial separation by Marcus Garvey, who earned a degree of success in much less advantageous times for blacks. Harmfully, and without any racial self-determination progress, it seems the racial purity and separation learning curve is too high and the modern black's greatest goal has been to marry a Close-family And Segregation Discipline

Should different races worship together? Of course! Christians are a called-out people from different races, subraces and peoples throughout the earth and are a diverse-cultural race among themselves. However, the concepts of ambassadorship and avoidance of intrusion into another's natural family/race should be understood. We believe in productivity and employing (as missionary leaders) people of foreign lands if necessary (although a rule of safety providing for racial homogeneous demographics and avoiding integration must be maintained through doing our own work for our own societies -- no promotion of other races assimulating into our own society and race). Furthermore, we also do not believe in taking advantage of other peoples through exploiting weaknesses in their founding government, land, labor, mineral or demographic management. Respect of mutual self-determination means respect of racial separation. Understanding the United States' downfall, we recognize interest-earning (such as the Federal Reserve Bank blanketing endeavors) and dishonorable gain as non-Christian, and realize that no peoples should be enslaved or harmed by such misuse. The Jewish are an antiChristian, contra-cultural (not genetic!) race as the Hebrews/Jews were. They have exploited (even Christian) nations through usury and financial demise. Today, their center of globalism goals are oppressing the Christian and overcoming nationalism. We do believe in evangelizing people in other lands but not invading or overthrowing other governments. We believe in making peace through teaching the principles of Jesus Christ the Lord, love and harmlessness. Our missionary goals are to employ ourselves through holy works and teach others likewise as we edify surrounding races and cultures near and afar, not to envelope them under our political rule. The object is to follow the commandments of Jesus.

We do not ask for racial self-hate or abdication of any member of any race through the lying doctrine of infidelism; we believe Christians have an obligation to take care of their own natural families first, which I call PROTECTIVE ISOLATION. (By the way, if Louisiana's government had improvised protective isolation methods to protect its people from flooding at the time of hurricane Katrina, much catastrophe could have been prevented. But we must understand that we now live in a tyranny that obviates things that are needed for its peoples, especially segregation.) We ask for segregation through repatriation (or at least emigration of foreigners to a land they can call their own for the opportunity to develop self-determination among their own natural, racial family without harming or parasiting off another race. If nations are to act righteously as the former Ezran Congregation rejects, the modern Joos, more arrogant than the Persian converts of Esther, must be discerned and treated similarly. (See Ezra 10.) Politicians and legal administrators could help universally to reunite peoples to their original homelands. We do not ask that any race mistreat any of its own race, but rather help members of its own race because they are a natural family, and since they are a family with their own unique differences from other natural families/races, they have a responsibility to help one another achieve a Christian, loving and moral society among themselves.

Theoretically and ideally, as a racial family matures and develops its own government based on Christian, segregative principles, it helps its own people, and by example, gives encouragement to members of other races and governments also.

In His service,
Br. Ken Billings


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Racial homogeneity and group prosperity is important; however, politically, we believe extending-life issues should be a responsibility of the family, not the state, and that non-homogeneous issues determine that the persons involved should be moved to a district other than the state

Moral Government

Similarly, as Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, was subject to the intrusion of Shechem the Hivite as he desired to miscegenate with a woman of a different race than his own, the Northern European women have been likewise vulnerable to miscegenation and lust. Women need to be taught the principles of racial and cultural homogeneity (see Ezra 10) at a young age to prevent such tragedy. Beware: unfortunately, there are many examples of non-Nordish subracial, or mixed stars, who were men of gene pools other than those with obvious, dominant Hamitic or Semitic traits, who have intruded the Northern-European homogeneity standard also. Joe DiMaggio did so without much public protest or complaint. (More details).

Historical Research: Who were the politicians that stopped, hindered or neglected the Lincoln repatriation movement?

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Why we promote racial and cultural homogeneity: Press here. A person may survive a car wreck and have like children afterward, but a person that has sex with another race destroys the genetic purity possibility of their offspring; physical and moral consequences can never be wiped out.

The first century Samaritans, formerly part of the ten tribes, had a displacement problem with the Assyrians and many lost their genetic inheritance. The Hebrews eventually lost theirs too. America and its original democracy was not orignially intended to be Babelized. We must avoid the generational curse.

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