Universal Promotion of Natural Law
(Natural law does not violate God's commandments.)
To restore and
implement biblical principles through international recognition and
promotion of respect for homogeneity.
Even though Christians do not want to get involved in any violence in
the Mideast, we should promote harmlessness and sharing in the lives
of all people. If they will not receive our teaching, at least we
should practice it among ourselves. This requires Christian
leadership and ambassadorship, not intrusion. Homogeneity is approved
by God.
Its counterpoint, miscegenation and diversity tolerance (unnatural
law), a racially destructive and negative cultural intrusion
of nature, is not approved of God: EZRA
Israel/Palestine is an example of a
contemporary crisis due to lack of implementation of homogeneity
principle (cultural and racial) in a godly way: Settle.
To restore and implement
biblical principles through international recognition and promotion
of marriage,
the natural institution for reproduction of life. It is honorable and
not defiled.
If these two natural laws were respected among the world, a great deliverance of destruction could be avoided. A government that embodies these laws and provides self-dependence, the institution of marriage, and segregation for its founding race and/or its peoples is a government constituted by natural law.
Christian Patrilineal Genetics Policy
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Reviewed: 2012-June-21