Marrital Issues |
Marriage |
Christian moral: Marriage
is a physical sexual act between a virgin female and a male. (Ex.
22:16, Dt. 22:13-21, 28, 29) So his people would put "evil"
or immorality
from them, God delivered and established prevention-of-unchastity
laws and strict penalties for not adhering to such. Due to virtue
and dominion of these laws, and the fulfillment and grace of the
NT. laws, repentance
and faith, singleness and separation, and morality so as to give
endurance to the purge, only in a harmless manner fitting of the
NT., is required to dissolve
remarriage after divorce cases within the church. Nature and God's
written word, natural and biblical revelation, harmonize as to the
enlightenment of the essence of marriage and encourage the
continuance of a chaste relationship. First page: Text: Illusion (One page at a time); Illusion (Whole document) Audio: Part 1 rm wav mp3, Part 2 rm wav mp3 (video) |
Adultery |
Christian moral:
Beware of Billy Graham's pernicious deception,
condonation and promotion of adultery. (I Cor.
7:39, Rom. 7:3, Gal. 5:19-21) Irreligion (video) |
Numbers 5:29 | The
Law of Jealousies: There is no excuse for marital
uncleanliness. A man has a duty through God and the ministry to make sure he is not living with an unclean woman. Note in Nu. 5:18 impliedly women covered their head; Nu. 5:24 the woman has to drink the bitter water that causes the curse. Notice in symbolic contrast how people drank in a blessed way: 1 Cor. 10:4 drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ (KJV). |
Soul healing |
Christian moral: There is not much
hope of our nation's restoration; however, any
individual can be restored through turning to God's
direction and instruction. Repentance is required. (Ps.
51, Ezr. 10:2) Jesus revealed the sin of the Samaritan woman. All she needed to do was repent. It is necessary to separate yourself from
the world and heresy churches. Trusting in God's
salvation, studying the Bible, prayer and fellowship with
other repentant and righteous Christians will help your
growth. Restoration; First page Defilement of even a chaste wife through rape or seduction destroys the hope of return to her husband. How much more the unchastity of a remarried woman! A clean man must not accept an unclean woman. He may forgive of course, but forgiving is not the same issue as marital cleanliness. (video) |
Annulment |
of an illegitimate or unclean relationship |
Non- acceptance |
Christian moral: Continual
disobedience of a fornicator who is called a brother
requires disassociation, "But them that are
without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among
yourselves that wicked person." (1 Cor. 5:13). Excommunication |
Prevent defilement |
Christian moral:
"Also be you holy in every way you go according as
he is holy who has called you." (1 Peter 1.15)
Advanced medical technology is an artifice of the devil
when it does not recognize the honor of unity in
marriage. A woman being impregnated by someone other than
her husband through scientific means is a partaker of
fornication. Chastity; First page |
Eschatology & signs |
Christian moral: According to II
Thes. 2:1-3 the apostasy will come first, and the man of
sin will be revealed (made known) before the day
of Christ is at hand. Today's irreverence to God in
respect to sexual cleanliness is a sign of the times. Brink of Apostasy (Whole document); page by page |
Mockery | Many ministers of
our day do not walk worthily of their title. Haiti Letter |
Ethnicity | "Any woman of a man's
preference should be a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ
and willing to respect her mate's race in a mutually
protective way concerning racial homogeneity. Any of our
own women should be taught to associate gregariously
within only our race, and that it would be a disgrace to
her people if she wanted to date outside of our race.
These Biblical tenets should apply not only to the Anglo
Saxon race, but there should be similar tenets among all
races. Each race has its own natural dignity, and
opportunity for Christian dignity through faith." Mate Search Biblical Racial Precepts It is best to marry among your own Positive steps toward prevention of miscegenation Development of Affinity Audio: "My Good Ole School Days" Patrilineal Policy |
Loyalty & decency |
More profoundly
from a perspective of loyalty and honor to their own race
as to pious, disciplinary social ethics, women should not
even desire to date or associate with men of other
races. Since Affirmative Action laws persecute the
white race, no one of us (man or woman) should want to
have any intimacy with those that favor our demise (every
woman of Northern European descent should look at every
non-Northern-European man as a threat to our own
prosperity, and despise, hate, and take legal action
against any sexual pass by such). Racial Dignity Segregation Posterity Protection Civil War Women (video) |
Watch your hands! |
Sexual harassment should be punished by fine and penitentiary | ||||||
Vengeance of state |
Compensation for abused
daughter or wife, and reasons why rape should be avenged
by the state When a woman marries out of her race and culture (miscegenation), she denies a male of her own breed the opportunity to reproduce their own kind Defilement of a chaste wife through rape or seduction destroys the hope of return to her husband. The children suffer also.(video) |
Class suits | Collective enterprise for descendants of the founders of the USA to restore morality and the victimized | ||||||
Political morality |
Legislative proposal to Enforce Chastity | ||||||
Ethnic hatred against whites |
Gain some insight
on sexual abuses or seduction that could legally and
retributively be considered to be caused by "ethnic
hatred of whites": Mein Kampf, FOREWARD from Landsberg Am Lech, Fortress Prison War Sex Crime Employment Sex Crime Intrusion Genocide |
Tribal affinity | Development of Race Jacobian/Israeli Race Tenets (video) | ||||||
Eunuch alternative |
Press here | ||||||
Confession | Repentance bracelets (Making changes and beginning a new, clean life) | ||||||
Vanity | |||||||
Genetics | Danger of recessive alleles recombining:
Should genetic tests be given before marriage?
Recessive Alleles Genetic Anthropology 101 Patrilineal Policy |
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Revised--2022-Nov-10 | |||||||
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