How To Be Saved


Selflessness And Repentance

People can be more like salt and light if they choose. Giving more for God and losing more for self is the way.

The deciding element which constitutes adultery is whether one of the partners has a living spouse. If a man, for instance, says that he wants to be forgiven for the sin--then he must separate himself from the woman cooperating with him in the adulterous relationship. John the Baptist did not want the Pharisees and Sadducees to think they were permitted to be baptized while continuing in their sins: "Therefore, produce fruits worthy of repentance" (Mt. 3.8). They needed a complete and thorough change in the direction of their thought, and that change in thought needed to be followed up with the proper and accordant conduct. Just by merely saying, "I'm sorry," does not constitute repentance. Repentance is conviction, grief, and correction from the heart, and it manifests itself with an accordant work--self-denial from the lust.

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