Can We Cut Down On The Cost Of Rehabs
Political Reform, Health And Finance

What Alcoholics Anonymous Doesn't Get Right / The Atlantic Health Forum

When it costs $40,000 a month for a rehab, that sounds like very wasteful economics if the state pays it from the income of tax payers. A Harvard education is roughly $60,000 per year as of 2023 if I am not mistaken. At that rate, in less than seven months a typical addict or junkie costs the public more than an ivy league school charges for a degree. Four years at school would amount to $240,000. An “alcoholic” or heroin misuser would have to spend six months in a rehab to rack up that kind of expense. It actually takes a year or two for many addicts to become self-dependent after treatment.

I was in a Teen Challenge rehab/program and they didn't charge me any fee. I left 43 years ago and have never had a craving or compulsion, I have never wanted to go back to a vicious cycle of alcohol and drug addiction. However, it took me 16 years to make it to that rehab.

As a people that wants to help others, we need church supported rehabilitation. As to state help, tax payers need officials that are willing to build dorms like army barracks for addicts. The facility doesn't have to serve expensive foods, just meals. It doesn't have to spend over $10,000 per person per year if it is ran efficiently. Employing recovery clients as volunteers could help pay their board. State wasting, or inefficient planning and enabling luxury instead of need, is a big part of the problem.

Hedonistic Rehabilitation Only Treats The Symptom
Medically Guided Total Abstinence Must Be A Goal

Many recovering addicts hang on to other drugs, including cigarettes. Some go beyond to cannibis and other mind-affecting drugs. To obtain complete freedom, it may be necessary to kick it all! To see life clearly, it takes a clear mind. A fine line may be discerned between self-restraint and self-abnegation. Developing wisdom, justice, courage, moderation and virtue will make great attributes for advancement and quality of life. Total abstinence gives confidence that you don't need anything, just like when you were a child... you didn't need anything. It also cuts down the chances of being laced from hedonistic-accessory, unnecessary drugs and enabling. Sobriety is appreciated and giving a person's all to get it is not asking too much. Anyone can do it.

Stoicism and discipline is not too much to ask from a recovering addict. Doctor assisted withdrawal and recovering should consist of a strategic total abstinence program, at least if the client-addict wants it, and tolerance of methadone and suboxone perhaps but only for a period of time. Reducing the amount of the drug and eventual complete abstinence must be part of a total recovery and drug harm reduction medical program. The ancient Greek philosophies concerning substance intake pleasure and contrasting self-deprivation are still relevant today, especially when considering the public cost of the healing arts as to aspects of psychological training, anesthesia, craving-blocking or gratification and length of treatment.

Disgruntled Other-Drugs Host Erased My Emphatic Total Abstinence Comment

He also gets very upset when people attempt to preach the gospel to souls that are in dire need, such as Amber. She was still alive in the hospital as of Feb. 7, 2024. I attempted to leave the following post on one of his short videos:

I know this: If a person wants to go to heaven, he or she must know Jesus Christ personally. There is only one way to God and that is through faith in God's son, Jesus. I hope Amber calls upon his name for help: 'For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.' (Romans 10:13) I hope Amber reads what I have written here.”

The glorious Spartan resistance at Thermopylae came about through unGodly men but nevertheless they had a plan and will to succeed, an implemented will and discipline to accomplish a great feat. They were well trained men. What made them such good soldiers was that they not only developed individual and group skills, but they advanced their ability to suffer hard life and self-denied the amelioration of pain. Addicts no less have to resist the desire for comfort at times and refuse the metaphorical monkey-on-the-back 24/7/lifetime. To accomplish their success and perhaps gain a no-craving and no-compulsion mentality, they may need a total-abstinence strategy that will not leave them dependent on chemicals.

Admiration Of Good Reasoning And Really Getting Clean

Rehabilitation Through Christian Denominational Support
Jesus Christ Is The Only Way To God

I found total-abstinence recovery through a prayer at a Teen Challenge rehab around 1980. I said a faithful prayer to God, believing in my heart that he would hear me. When I finished my short prayer, I knew that I never needed anything other than God for any problem—He let me know that at that time in a spiritual way, not a spoken voice but certainly a confirmation in my mind and soul. I even had the confidence to leave the program since I knew my main problem had been taken care of and because I realized I couldn't benefit there eclectically due to the potential, unclean and contrary dating and marriage beliefs that the program leaders may have held. Jesus led the Samaritan woman to him through pointing out her immorality; some heretical churches will drive people away from the Lord with their perversions of the Scripture. Even though I knew I would have to face life on my own and with God, I accepted it at that. I saw wonderful things of provision and self-learning afterward although some were far from luxurious, collegiate school and board. I was blessed with self-learning the Biblical languages and many other things, which benefit me very much even today. I can remember when I eventually owned a vehicle and had to sleep in it for shelter, but I had studied the Septuagint while I was trying to advance my economic life (even still working labor pools) at the same time. God's blessings are lasting.

Jesus Christ drank little alcohol/wine and John the Baptist none. Young people need to realize that either way may be acceptable. However, to overdose and take too much is a sin. Overdosing can lead to further sin and disease (self-affliction/addiction). Jesus Christ has to be the root of all healing and rehabilitation. Searching for a rehab can be a problem. Roman Catholic groups are N/A and AA. Protestant rehabs refer to overdosing as sin, whereas Roman Catholic groups call it a disease. Actually, I think overdosing/alcohol over-consumption and drug over-consumption are a sin and can lead to chemical dependency, a disease, just as over-eating can lead to physical disorders. Nevertheless, the life of an addicted person doesn't have to end up in prison or the grave if the addict learns how to overcome or treat the addiction. Many ex-addicts go on to do great things. Anyone can become an ex-addict. I like to give them support and spiritual encouragement. Perhaps some hardened and disgruntled wives who have been persecuted by a drunken husband or an opiate addict may not seem to be so forgiving, but it really takes a miracle to recover from addiction. Just to attempt abstinence to please the will of a loved one has failed many. I really shouldn't seem to be too hard on anyone, it took me sixteen years to get sober, and I hope many more make it—even without cravings and compulsion. It can easily be done, just find a good support group (church or Christian fellowship for me) and don't answer the metaphorical monkey on the back if he pulls or nudges. Focusing on a sin and giving 100 % repentance from it brings freedom!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Has A Great Repentance And Recovery Testimony: Giving 100 Percent

Leonidas, the great Spartan leader, had a great plan and discipline to follow it up regardless of the cost. Recovering addicts similarly adopt a plan to overcome the tyranny and slavery of addiction. Remaking of the self is necessary for success. Going beyond resistance strategy, adopting Christian thought leads to not only mere recovery, but abundant life. The faster you go to a rehab, the better your chances may be to understand the fall into quick sand (addiction): It takes help to get out!


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