The Immorality of Suppressing the White Man's Vote


Ted Cruz may have been deluded. America's Constitution was established by men who accepted the worship of Jesus the Christ as the prophet of Dt. 18:15, not the Talmudic or “Joodeo” view. He has been conditioned in an overthrown, political atmosphere to accept “special-interest” rule. Am3rica lost its sight through anti-Christian perversion. Ted ignorantly accepts the demonic state of the country and plans to promote it further “... to defend the Judeo-Christian values that built America. Our movement will continue... ”. Sorry Ted, Am3rica needs to return to Christian values, not Judeo-Christian values.

Ted lost globalist Heidi's loan venture for political advancement by being defeated in a landslide vote for Donald Trump. Thank God! Cruz is not a founder-heir American who built his fortune upon work and staying out of debt. Debt-based finance is one reason Am3rica has become enslaved. Heidi, his wife, has a globalist banker background. Ted doesn't mind easing through life on borrowed money. “Lying Ted” is not against white man fraud nor “... faithful to the Constitution”.

Alternative screen

The white man has a “God-given” right to his Abraham Lincoln approved superior position, and not to be suppressed from living as a creative human being through Affirmative Action and globalist white male emasculation. Yes, the white male deserves better than Ted Cruz's anti-Jim Crow “freedom” and last choice for jobs and many other things through political treachery (especially Affirmative Action).

It is the promoter of persecutory “... love of millions to achieve their dreams... ” who usurped the Constitution and made the white male serve in the USA as a man with a void vote recognition in comparison to the non-white (or “minority” benefit recipient). If a good job is posted and 499 minority recipients are in line for it, the white male has to wait until the 500th pick for that job: that is also a method of determining the value of the white male's vote. Ted is part of something that was and is a lie.

Don't defend Ted's concept of “freedom” or any form of carnal kindness of non-white immigrants as a humanitarian or anti-humanitarian "el cheapo" replacement for Japhethic racial honor. Don't depend on phony sell-outs who are concerned about parasiting for temporary gain. It is the new and Marxist anti-Torahianslavery”. Remember, Christians were directed to set brother slaves free at their request, the Cruz-ists would not set us white males free at our request!


Kindness of Christian Slavery

How The NWO Manipulates Races And Dominance

Difference Between Culture and Race

The Prophet to Be Raised: Jesus (Act 3:22)

Boxer's View of Carly

Heidi's Connection with the CFR

Faithful Deacons

Honor Noah in Economics

Legal Immigration

Concept of Protective Isolation

Abraham Lincoln's Charleston Speech

Prison Economics and Anti-white Racism

Dr. Ben Carson Prayer

Faithful Religion and Deity of Christ

Blessing of Noah upon the Japhethite/White

Hil-liar-y Slave-like Mentality

Sanders Slave-like Mentality

Abolish Affirmative Action

Trump Prayer

Ivanka Trump

American Marriage: How The Institution Was Perverted

Fall Of Democracy

Cherokee Indian Advancement

Exposing Anti-Japhethic Will of NWO

Remember Our Poor

Video Reference: Republican National Convention 2016 and Jim Crow

God Loves National Racial Preference