Negative Addictions

Addiction is a habit. It can be good or bad. Negative addiction is a bad habit and it doesn't always have to be to a drug; it can be to an idea or group of ideas--subtle acceptance and passivity to a negative concept, a false perception that evades the truth. During our time of apostasy, many religious ideas have been twisted to become negative ideas and untrue. This is why we have so many heresies today. Unawakened people have succumbed (become addicted) to cult ideas.

Continuous abuse of neglecting to overcome falsehood has become a social monster and adversary to civilization. Many church denominations are horrible examples of captured victims trying to proclaim positivity but are not turning from their negativity.

On the other hand, repentance from a negative idea or addiction is an enlightenment to our surrounding world. Great personal changes take place in the lives of those who hear the word of God with faith and act upon it. Take the illustration of an ex-Roman Catholic priest:

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When the leaders of religious society are deceived, the followers may not be much better. And when an innocent youth has to grow up around such misled people, a spiritual battle begins at a young age. If a child is not overtaken at that time, he still has to continue reaching for religious positivity even possibly without any or very little surrounding philosophical help. This is why heresies such as Roman Catholicism (pope's dope) or worse, deity-denying, false teachings such as Islam and Talmudicism overtake even perhaps very intelligent but brainwashed (actually brain-polluted) peoples.

Then the monster of religious ignorance and the derelict, ethnic group's refusal to search out the truth for themselves becomes like a community disease and a social plague. Everyone associated with it has either to fight it or become part of its deception.

Considering these social, religious, pseudo-philosophical, negative addictions, each society also has other influences antagonizing against the battle for positivity (or righteousness). In America, one of the enemies of progress is contra-biblical, medical health or Big Pharma, and on the less educated side, skid row-type escape from psychological pain. Defective philosophical addiction problem solving is handed down to the tactics of Roman Catholic AA-type para-philosophical organizations. Even those that overcome the more harmful, religious, pseudo-philosophical addictions may not get away without being affected somewhat by the drug temptation and its unsatisfactory rehabilitation resolves.

Blessed are those that are not deceived by negative addiction and act soberly with virtue of righteousness. A Christian must respect God's commandments, our holy calling and position. We must repent of anything that conflicts with our life for Jesus. We are standard bearers. If society lowers its standards, we must not lower our standards. Let us be blameless. Amen.

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