Welcome! This is part of my “Free from Addiction” Playlist from YouTube.

Other Playlists

Overdoses Can Be Very Destructive If Not Fatal

Rehabilitation Communities: Christian Repentance Is A Witness For God
(I wish addicted women could see how these lovely people changed and would contact a center. I would even like to see wrinkled, worn-out, rejected “lot-lizards” and “street ho's” give Jesus a chance: With a little faith it is not too late.)

Learn more especially about Christian and homogeneous community support. Generally, two big things to look out for are: Secular rehabs do not lead their clients into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and the erring, so-called "Christian" programs may lead a victim into an illegitimate marriage. God wants better for everyone, so you must deny yourself and let the Scriptures lead you into God's righteousness, not off-track leaders.

Suboxone: Tapering Off Method


Tobacco: America's Early, Teaser Drug

Many companies promoted addiction and cigarette smoking through advertizement. They made more money through a larger, naïve, customer span. Too bad American people didn't disallow this type of money-making, especially the exploitation of the young and innocent.

In negative unison, Hollywood and the movie industry extended their influence. Movie stars made cigarette smoking look “cool”.

Let Jesus Take Care Of It! This guy really has an inspiring message, but he should have the courtesy to take off his hat when speaking about Jesus.

You can replace bad habits with good ones.

My personal experience with negative addiction

My life in communities and skid row

Thoughts on personal and community responsibility

Enjoying life freely: Many people never experience living life in abundance as Jesus mentioned. People who successfully replace bad habits with good (sanctified) ones find the time well worth their while!

This playlist demonstrates the helplessness of negative addiction, and with the aid of my html links gives hope to put faith in Jesus as a savior from infidelity, heresy, pharmakia (witchcraft Gal 5:20, sorceries Rev. 9:21 [KJV]), misery, shame, guilt, drug relapse, defeat, death and the things disobedience to God brings (including eternal torment).

Instead of promoting faith and good works, and even enduring pain without escaping reality, the government tolerated drug industries' methods instead. Much of the social deterioration and devastation experienced throughout the world has been legally induced through the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Families and communities have been destroyed through choosing other methods of psychological relief than God's way.

Learn more especially about Christian and homogeneous community support. Generally, two big things to look out for are: Secular rehabs do not lead their clients into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and the erring, so-called "Christian" programs may lead a victim into an illegitimate marriage. God wants better for everyone, so you must deny yourself and let the Scriptures lead you into God's righteousness, not off-track leaders.

A very important point for addicts is to realize those who overcome the substance abuse have experienced some kind of group support. If a person's own way doesn't work, then it is time to try a group. Another thing is that it may take a couple of years to realize you can make it own your own. If you get started, allow yourself time and suffer through what you may have to until bad habit effects are replaced with the effects of your abstinence and spiritual growth.

Many groups may be helpful but not holy. I am sorry. They may even encourage sinful things. However, what can be worse than being overcome by addiction! At least if you give yourself a chance with a group, you can take the development they offer and refuse the sin once you become strong enough. Blessings.

(Beware: There is foul language in some videos on the YouTube page.)

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