KEEP IT SIMPLE, MAN Amber is disallowing herself to be a new creature. She is not alone. The mainstream churches are and have been prophesying revival and repeating their adulteries since Azusu Street Revival and even before! They also attempt to comfort with a false, pre-trib rapture assertion. They are people who seem to have two lives in one. The one unlearned religion, the other hypocrisy and failure. Rehab reform is a must! An addict and a fornicator can recover easily; however, it does take faith and some learning, practice and dedication. Actually life is much easier when replacing old habits, whether they be of fornication, adultery, drunkenness, heresy, and things like that (Galatians 5:19-21), with new good habits of bearing fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-26). With a will to follow God, blessing will follow. Keep it simple, man. Links: |