Consciousness And Death: What It Is

Life begins at conception ( and the formation of consciousness. God has given us in his design an ability to grow mentally so as we understand and know some things about our beginning, and right from wrong without formal education as we develop. We have a greater moral capacity than other creatures.

Death, on the other hand, is a temporary sleep of unconsciousness before an awakening to eternity, before the judgment of God and the realization of the transformation of reality. (

Death is like a bridge that must be crossed to reach the other side.

It is very important that you are prepared to meet your maker before you cross that bridge. God will not justify a person who ignores the salvation through Jesus Christ. Realize in this world what a great sacrifice and act of love God has done for you. (

People can take comfort in the death of a believer in Jesus Christ. They can know that the person will be with the saints for eternity. (


Why Faith Is Necessary


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Death by Suicide

Child Death