Judaism Conversion and Unpardonable Sin

Do Not Commit The Impardonable Sin


Ivanka Trump is very beautiful. Her family is disciplined and impressive. However, Christians must not allow their children to fall into the mistake of considering marrying a Herzl Matrilinealist (Jewish person). The Jewish are not part of the Hebrew tribes, who required patrilineal lineage. They also deny the deity and authority (DT. 18:15) of the Lord Jesus Christ, and their course of religion is 180 degrees in the opposite direction of Christian salvation and prosperity.


"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16: 16) A person cannot earn his way to heaven. God gives eternal life through faith in his son, Jesus the Christ. The Lord will not accept sacrifices of animals. To deny and turn against the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross leaves a person on his way to eternal torment. This woman committed an unpardonable sin if she does not repent:

Full Interview: Donald Trump & Family at CNN Town Hall, Anderson Cooper, April 12, 2016: At about 39 minutes and so many seconds Ivanka is asked about her conversion to Judaism. As a Christian, I want to warn all other Christians and people to not make this mistake or commit an unpardonable sin. Here is link that will explain and illustrate this: .

As far as a Christian making friends, they should not extend their passions so as to date an anti-Christian, which a Jewish person is. . The Trump family lacks good spiritual training although they have excelled in many other ways.

By the way, the Jewish do study Hebrew. This is something Christians should do. If you would like a free beginner course, click here.

Herzl Matrilinealists do not believe that Jesus is God in the flesh. Nevertheless, Genesis 19:24-27 tells us that the God (Jehovah) was the one of the and fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah from the Lord (Jehovah) out of the heavens. God has appeared in man form (as the destroyer both in Heaven and in earth at the same time during the aforesaid The modern Jewish ignorantly and blasphemously relate to worship of the Lord Jesus Christ as “idolatrous”. Many of the Jewish are also very culturally prejudiced against Muslims, who call part of their situation “apartheid”.

The JewishPress.com had a recent Purim article, “Purim 2016: Lessons Lost”, by Donny Fuchs, Published: March 30th, 2016, Latest update: March 29th, 2016. It stated,

The vile haters see what they have always seen: Hook nosed Jews killers of their false man-god and murderers of Christians... ”

“Killing Arab terrorists isn’t rocket science. There should be no moral confusion, no ethical dilemmas. This is the Torah’s position: Remove evil from your midst. Eradicate every manifestation of corruption perverting Eretz Yisrael- person, institution, or idolatrous construct.”

Note, Herzl Matrilinealists erroneously consider themselves "Jews" (Nu. 36:5-13) disregarding the written Torah and also break commandments even during a Purim celebration.


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