Christian Teaching for All

A Christian Club Presentation


There was a time when the Son of God was born and celebrated by his contemporary society.

Thank God for the birth of Jesus Christ the Lord! Without him, there would be no chance of salvation for anyone.

One thing else I would like to say: It bothers me to see people such as the alternative-Jewish groups try to take away Americans' right to worship the Lord.

Now I will speak briefly about another holiday.


The Maccabees were a great family. They lived before the New Covenant and the coming of Jesus Christ. They were zealous and inspiring Israeli-Semitic men who led others of their people to fight and overcome men against God, very different from the impostors and alternative-Jewish patrilineally anti-Hebrew (and matrilineally anti-Hebrew!) people today, who actually mock covenants and fight against the people of God (Christians). The film below demonstrates this. Also note what Benjamin Freedman, once belonging to the "Jewish", said speaking of the Khazars as he was referring to the Ashkenazi (see this!)Jewish, "There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land".

Adults only! This film contains foul language; it is blasphemous and very evil. If you prefer an explanation, visit here first.

For more information concerning the ingenuousness of impostor cults, see the Purim site.

Who really should host a land, the designated, racially homogeneous, biological heirs, or hybrids and subverters? See the video below.


Brother Ken Billings' Response to Naomi Wolf--The End of America

Hesedken's gift of the season: Free music lesson





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