Anti-Christian and Jewish Mutation Curse

The Jewish anti-patrilineal doctrine is as a genetic virus. They promote racial mixing through propaganda, Satanic deeds and violence. Marx with pseudo-philosophy, racial nihilism and anti-establishment, Lenin with shocking violence and sin against order and humanity, Stalin with brutal, starvation persecutions and murders, Morgenthau and his friends with mass rape and sin against motherhood, and their like have implemented destructive practices among Christians and others. Today, the great destructive practice is through subversive and uncontrolled immigration promotion as a weapon so as to destroy racial and cultural homogeneity (also a biblical institution).

As rebellious and dumbed-down mankind compromises and fights against God's way (biblical design, economic and social order), and devises demonic or Talmudic corruption, a one-world government is being molded. Not all people worship the same god... honor the incarnate God: Jesus the Christ. In less than two hundred years the prosperous, Japhethic peoples have become enslaved. The NWO is no longer a secret to the uneducated.

If bankster and globalist Macron wins the French election, it could mean no hope for Western Europe and much of the world. Pray for Marine Le Pen. We must oppose those against Christianity, Godliness and order, who promote immigrational genocide and continuous, corporate war (beware: foul language).


War Against Faith And Mutation

The Jewish According To The Flesh

Noah and Japhethic Blessing

Lincoln's White Dominance View

America as One White Race

Suffering Slavery Inversion


Need for Judicial Repeal of Civil Rights

Making Us As The Cossacks

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