The Urban Specter, even
though he understands that divorce is permissible for reason of
fornication, distorts what Jesus and the apostles taught: “Jesus
said that in the case of fornication, however that it was ok to
divorce and that would not be sin. How can you then say that it is
a sin to re-marry, when Jesus it was ok to put away your wife for
fornication? He doesn't go on to say but don't re-marry after
that.” The fact is that if a man becomes divorced due to
fornication of his wife, he must live single afterward. The
Apostle Paul explained to male virgins that they are allowed to be
married, but in the case they should be loosed--they should not
seek a second marriage. (1 Cor. 7: 26-27)
Sept 4, 2014
The Urban Specter
1 day ago
How is it a sin to
re-marry, if your partner commits adultery? Jesus even gave an
exception of a spouse being unfaithful as a reason for divorce.
that it is wrong for the innocent party to re-marry after their
spouse has been unfaithful?

Ken Billings
21 hours ago
Friend, divorce is
permissable under certain circumstances. However, even when a
divorce is permissable, that does not justify a remarriage.
This link may help you understand about both the tolerance of
permanent separation, and the sin of remarriage:
The Urban Specter
10 hours ago
I would also challenge
you to read Mathew 19 8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you
to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was
divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries
another woman commits adultery.” So what he says is if you
divorce and re-marry except for sexual immorality you commit
The Urban Specter
10 hours ago
Linked comment
Ken, it seams you've
made a big jump here without Biblical backing. The link you
provided uses Mark 10:10 as it's reason to say remarriage is a
sin. That is not what Jesus said, what he said was he who puts
away his wife and re-marries commits adultery. He also said
that he who puts his wife away for any reason(including to
re-marry) commits adultery. Jesus said that in the case of
fornication, however that it was ok to divorce and that would
not be sin. How can you then say that it is a sin to re-marry,
when Jesus it was ok to put away your wife for fornication? He
doesn't go on to say but don't re-marry after that. Also, just
to let you know, I am not trying to justify anything for myself
as I am married and it is my first marriage. I just don't see
any Biblical evidence that a re-marriage under to circumstance
of fornication is sin when Jesus gave an exception in this
case. Do you also think it is a sin to re-marry if your spouse
Ken Billings
2 seconds ago
+The Urban Specter ,
you have a serious misperception. As I mentioned previously it
is permissable to divorce under particular circumstances. The
link I gave has other links also that explain the matter fully.
One of those links is this:
. On that page is given the reference to I Cor. 7:10, 11, which
is explained well in my online commentary (
). The matter of marriage and its alternative of divorce are
clearly identified: "And unto those who have married I
charge, not I, but the Lord, a wife from the husband is not to
be separated, let her abide unmarried, or be reconciled to the
husband" (1 Cor. 7.10, 11). These two verses deal with
living. Even though God encourages, commands, and warns a
couple to have unity in marriage, he will allow divorce under
certain circumstances. However, there is only one permissible
Never, in the New Testament, will you find in any place, where
God, or Jesus Christ, or the apostles condoned marriage to
anyone other than a woman's living spouse. Such an act would
constitute adultery: "It was said, that whosoever should
put away his wife, let him give to her a writing of
divorcement. But I say to you, that whosoever should put away
his wife, except on account of fornication, he causepeople with people who are married, and his/her spouse ishttps://hesedken.com/clubsite/heres-12.html stills her to
commit adultery, and whosoever should marry her who has been
put away commits adultery" (Mt. 5.31, 32). See also (Mk.
10:11, 12). Furthermore, the Apostle Paul explained to maalternative to divorce,--that is reconciliahttps://hesedken.com/new_testament_commentary/1_corinthians/7_10-11excomain.htmltion to the spouse.le
virgins that they are allowed to be married, but in the case
they should be loosed--they should not seek a second marriage.
) I have attempted to help your understanding concerning the
first issue. At the end of your comment you wandered off to
another issue and stated, "Do you also think it is a sin
to re-marry if your spouse dies?" Here is a link that will
help you understand the difference between chaste widow
marriage and remarriage--two different issues:
. Simply see my commentary and links for other questions.
