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Hebrew Genetic Inheritance
More video: Donnie Swaggart Dumb-down Embarrassment Video not available at this time Excerpt of Frances and Friends - The testimony of former KKK leader, Johnny Lee ClaryFull page: Donnie Swaggart Dumb Down Deception of Matrilineal Succession And Talmud (Jewish Torah, Not Moses' Torah) Rabbi I. Domb, author of the book, "The Transformation". Deception of Matrilineal Succession And Talmud (Jewish Torah, Not Moses' Torah) |
I don't want to seem to critical, but an important point must be made. I realize David Duke has achieved a lot of success through his exposure of "Jewish" supremacism, and I am not trying to diminish his work in any way. However, Dr. Duke has revealed a weakness as to "Jewish" genetic anthropological studies, if not a lack of faith in the excellence of the law and covenants. For an enlightening perspective of who may be considered a modern-day descendant of Jacob, the patriarch, and Hebrew according to Ezran Theology, see Shem Genealogy. Dr. Duke has seemed to misconceive the partially Semitic "Jewish" as if they belong to the legitimate Hebrew race ... but it is not so! Such mongrels were deported from the Ezran congregation. When the public is misled to believe that those such as the biologically rejected are as the people of God who were not rejected, and the misconception that "Jewish" (mongrelized or Japhethic) people are Jews, this has a devastating, harmful theological effect in world politics. This may be a reason many "Jewish" people (regardless of their crimes against God's creation) are not afraid to mention Dr. Duke rather than someone who would genetically expose them. His inaccurate implications give them more undue credit (in respect to closeness with God) and undeserving prestige concerning Israel's inheritance succession whereas exposure of their genetic fraud and deception would discredit and nullify their relationship to God. Too bad the public has not awakened to this fact! If the world had understood this years ago, perhaps the mistake of the Balfour Declaration and unnecessary war could have been prevented. Perhaps, people would have realized there is a big difference supporting the Hebrew race (Israel's legitimate, Semitic founders' Torah-acceptable, genetic descendants) than the biological impostors of the quasi-multiracial, synagogue of Satan and its unwarranted central headquarters! |
It seems it would have been beneficial for the terms “Jewish” or “alternative-Jew” to have been similarly distinguished from “Jew” in Lutheran times. The Khazers and non-Semitic or partial-Semitic "Jewish" peoples had been established from earlier centuries. |
A large number of ruling people in Russia after the overthrow of the czar were Jewish: That covers a broad spectrum of genetic and anti-Hebrew people. Note the violence and hatred (remains of torture and dismemberment of innocents) by the Russian “Jewish” anti-Whites in this video: [Removed.] If anyone has his own video of Allied war crimes, which must be all and only your work, send it on disk to us. We will be glad to put it on the Internet (on this page). |
Cohen Genetic Testing Failure: Y-DNA and mtDNA
inheritance frauds pursue science in vain and despair ... but still
try to sell it! Their denial of rejection overcomes their
intelligence. However even though such may fool themselves and
others, they can not fool God. Such who hold lying doctrine are
fruitless as those that claim to live for God and do not: Mt 7.26
every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not,
shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the
David Duke's Theological-Political Weakness
Peter Pan and Israel's Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni
Jewish Marriage Heresy And Cults