About Hank Marvin

I did not do a thorough write-up on Hank because of disappointing information concerning an antiChristian affiliation that I found on the Internet and lack of official documentation through the research. Therefore, this note is very brief.

He was a very impressive guitarist and showman. However, regardless of the musician or his philosophical (or pseudo-philosophical) tenets, I want to direct you to a site that may help inform you as to making a decision about religious indoctrination.

"Some centuries after the early church, Christians had many antagonists even as we do today. In order to withstand such opposition to the truth, there were also leaders then who strongly contended for the faith by using their language talent and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. The glorious explanation culminated concerning the deity of Christ and was decreed at the Council of Nicaea. Of course the people of that era had other contemporary religious contentions to resolve and work out for themselves even as we do today, but a great and commemorative, lasting work was accomplished. If you have ever wondered what you might say to the cult blasphemously calling themselves "Jehovah's Witnesses," just study this early Christian doctrine." 1

Council of Nicaea



Christian Music Philosophy

Establish a relationship with Jesus through acknowledging his deity (the God-man)

Learn the Bible through ancient language study, not indoctrination

Discerning Spirits

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