Adolf Hitler could have built upon his western victories and expanded his supply potential. There was no need to fight without all the possible elements of victory so as not to jeopardize any men or gain. It seemed cruel to needlessly push his men into another front against much greater numbers and forcing the limits of his logistics system when he could have been increasing technology and industrializing the lands he gained before attempting further war. (If he were not going straight for Moscow, then he could have captured the surrounding Russian armies near the German border and prepared for a good defense.) He also could have distributed his power to loyal, district leaders rather than taking complete rule upon himself. This may have increased the possibility of civil war under disagreement, but the system of rule should have been democratically branched, not merely subjugated as a democratic people without a voice under the dictate of an unreasonable or failing monarch. Compare this tyranny with the apostate and heretic churches that are ruled by erring elite rather than edified by the people with God's message on their hearts. (See 1 Cor. 14:31-32.) First of all, man's duty is to God, not any dictator or centralized-government prone president, such as Roosevelt, as far as that goes.
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