Focus on Religion

There are many religions throughout the world. Tribes from the Amazon or Africa, some piercing themselves with large objects or bone like ornaments, have their own religion or culture. Muslims, being more sophisticated especially as to covering themselves and claiming one God (external), are much more socially and religiously advanced in some ways, and more obstinate in delusion in other ways. The Jewish, also an anti-Christian monotheistic religion, are more on target due to their firm hold on the Torah, even though they distort its teachings. Christianity is 180 degrees in the opposite direction to the former two religions, and advocates incarnate monotheism: the Lord Jesus Christ is God in the flesh.

Considering all men, regardless of how well they have been trained in their cultures or religions, have faults, we realize perfection of even Christians has not been totally accomplished. No one, including Christians are without sin. Nevertheless, some men may understand that preventing a sin and obeying God's direction is blessed. Thank the Lord for that! In a world that struggles to survive with its environment, civilization and righteous living is something to be appreciated. When a family can sit together, give thanks to God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and eat a meal, enjoy the blessing of the crops and food that God has provided, and live in peace and prosperity with their neighbor, that is such a blessed situation. (We do not see that today because we live in a tyranny and are being tried through the apostasy.)

However, a Christian has more than religion or culture. A Christian has a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. No man can come unto God except through Jesus. All religion, and all culture, that does not go to through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to God, is a failure. The relationship with Jesus is what matters. Knowing God personally and that he knows you is what counts! Seek the Lord, and you shall find Him.

Society is blessed with Christians, and they share their blessings throughout the world. Some Christians are more advanced than others, and contrarily, there are heretics and tares that antagonize in their life and teachings. A struggle still exists for all, even though the Christian has a peace that no other religion or culture without the relationship with Jesus can experience. Christians battle with their knowledge of the Scriptures to help themselves and deliver those they reach from Satan and the works of darkness.


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