Kevin Zadai False Teaching And Remarriage/Adultery

It doesn't surprise me that this nut comes from the Hagin fashion. Another one with more than one degree also! Some children are much more knowledgeable about God than those who pervert his teachings. His woman of adultery said to the effect that God restored her into the arms of another man—blasphemy—we live in the New Testament/fulfillment era and God doesn't make or tolerate a woman to remarry while her first man is still living. Even if her first man were a biblically illegitimate husband, she still would lack virginity to offer another man, which is a requirement for marriage. (Ex. 22:16, Dt. 22:13-21, 28, 29)

I posted on the heretics' page: “Seek annulment counseling. God doesn't restore a marriage by giving a woman unto another man while the first man is still alive. Are you serious!”

The notorious Kenneth Copeland lied on God in a similar way. People are misled in our apostate times by deceivers of various denominations. John MacArthur has been exposed for his adultery-promoting activities also.


Generational Curse