Protect intimate family relationship >>>>> God >>>>> Man >>>>> Family >>>>> Race >>>>> Subrace

Understanding The Battle Of The Subraces Against Globalism:

The Need For Racial Homogeneity (Ge. 10:1-5) To Continue

Although Jacob discerned racial and cultural homogeneity through choosing Rachel, the progenitors of the Hebrews were among mixed peoples in Egypt (Ex. 12:37) before they were given patrilineal law by Moses (Nu. 36: 5-13). Then the Hebrew tribes were restricted and matured according to peculiar genetic law. The Apostle Paul referred to himself as a "Hebrew of the Hebrews" (Phillippians 3:5). Although genetic advancements of the flesh cannot bring about salvation (only faith can!), let us discerningly remember and appreciate the development of our subraces, and not be deceived by those who say they are Jews but have mixed (Ezra 10:3) or non-Hebrew genetics.

Since the Jewish cannot qualify as a Hebrew subrace, they are not concerned with subracial homogeneity. They have substituted a cultural homogeneity for the glue of their community, and they don't care about spoiling the genetic homogeneity of the existing Japhethic, Semitic and Hamitic subraces.

This spoiling of the subraces and nations built upon racial homogeneity can be seen through the attempts of globalism and the destruction of Nationalism. Many African nations are suffering exploitation. The reason Marcus Garvey's attempt to repatriate his people to Africa failed (even though some left) was partially due to the control the anti-Nationalist political powers held on the world at that time. Communism, a Jewish invention, was a power movement for the globalists that spread anti-Christianity and anti-self-dependence throughout the world in other forms. Today the New World Order powers use the USA to disestablish the Middle East.

As to dissolving the USA, the Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action was not established solely due to a movement among the black population, and could not have been instituted without globalist/anti-Nationalist backing. Instead of the subraces establishing mutual provision for their posterity, the globalist powers mixed them and diluted the national potential of both subraces.

The future of the Japhethic, Semitic and Hamitic subraces looks dim because they seemingly fail to realize the necessity that they need to work together multilaterally toward the goal of racial homogeneity and against the world-enveloping, mixing-demise of the globalists/Jewish. Take note of what happened to the czar of Russia when he did not segregate Russia.

The subraces must work together to establish their own nations and promote racial homogeneity even as they began after the Tower of Babel, not become mixed and lose their precious, genetic identity as the Jewish did and were separated from the Hebrews (Ezra 10).

Continued from Racial And Lingual Homogeneity Evolution:

Understanding Japhethic Anthropology: Evolution Of The Nordic Man