Non-homogeneous Mission Life: The Deterioration of the American Founder-heir and the Destiny of Death

We do not sell our gospel!

Christian Community

Nordish Christian Community

Homogeneity Models and Struggle Against NWO (Christians must deny themselves and follow the Scripture at all cost!)

Develop Your Own Intentional Community

Mixed Community: Only with Homogeneity Intention

Is debt-based finance seducing America?

Christians must be the ones to initiate (beginning with our own agreeing relatives and friends) Christian principles in our wayward and anti-Christian world. God's judgment is upon this financially, and consequently racially, diverse and sexually corrupt world. The video below may help you see why we have such need to establish communities that can provide for themselves (unilateral racial homogeneity):

America's church institutions have become so phony! Many of the missions proclaim they help people, but I've seen them promote fornication and illicit marriage, AA idolatry and other non-Christian things. Their ministers may attempt to present themselves as men of integrity, and helping the homeless, but if you look into their actual lives, you may find they promote interest-earning in some form, which has brought America to autonomic failure and the point-of-no-return through the Federal Reserve Bank.

More about homelessness and deprivation in USA: Destruction through issue denial...