Non-homogeneous Mission Life: The Deterioration of the American Founder-heir and the Destiny of Death

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Nordish Christian Community

Homogeneity Models and Struggle Against NWO (Christians must deny themselves and follow the Scripture at all cost!)

Develop Your Own Intentional Community

Mixed Community: Only with Homogeneity Intention

Issue Denial: Bum Cognizance Disorder or Lack of Faith!

This bum and human being (may God bless his poor soul and help him recover) admits his occupation on the one hand but denies it on the other. His apology would have been less ambiguous if he had simply admitted he is begging for support but is disapproving of it (seemingly for the reason there should be more opportunity). Recovery requires facing the issues and admitting fault. If a person neglects to do that, his chances of overcoming the problem are impossible. For help on solving the homeless problem, visit  Homogeneous Community and Opportunity.

(Turning a fault into profit!)

America is full of people not admitting and evading issues and their faults. Legalized adultery is rampant. Pastors marry off unchaste women. When so-called church ministers and marriage councillors can't face the issues and fail to begin to recover, how can anyone expect their followers and other unawakened people of the nation to do so! Learn about America's Adultery Delusion. Such wicked and deceived pastors must dumb-down the people or pervert them in order to be successful profiteers. They pervert God's word! Omitting or denying chastity responsibility, they proclaim misleading half-truths if not complete lies: “it takes 5 minutes” (Mr. Donnie Swaggart), “... I have walked in the light where our marriage is concerned, and the devil hasn’t been able to touch it(Mr. Kenneth Copeland--why would the devil want to touch it when he has him where he wants him!). Even as the train station beggar confuses his deeds (for a year and a half and seems to justify it!) as a cause of the difficult times, the adultery promoters and enablers confuse forgiveness for a previous marital relationship as an excuse to evade the issue of morality and chastity in a consecutive relationship. (2 Cor. 11:14 "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.") Their self-justification works to their own destruction.

Notice, just as the begger received $30 from an impressed client, after changing his mind at least partially, these so-called ministers of God change the minds of the unlearned and pervert them. The partially enlightened victims return with a monetary reward. (Note Evander Holyfield and Benny Hinn.)

Is it that people don't have the ability or conviction? A cognizance disorder or lack of faith? We live in apostate times, and the future of USA is gloomy.

More about homelessness and deprivation in USA: Destruction through lack of provision...

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Why we promote racial and cultural homogeneity: Press here. The first century Samaritans, formerly part of the ten tribes, had a displacement problem with the Assyrians and many lost their genetic inheritance. The Hebrews eventually lost theirs too. America and its original democracy was not orignially intended to be Babelized. We must avoid the generational curse.

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