We May Have to Begin Our Communities by Mixing Temporarily at First
(However, migration should be generally toward racial and cultural assimilation of one's own kind, like for like, not pollution of others' civilization.)

Dear friends,

We live in terrible times. People are suffering from many different parts of the world from various things, even from lack of food and work, enduring hostile persecution. As we Christians are a family and a brotherhood, some of us are able to help those in need. I would like to suggest that individuals and families within the same nation offer support to others within their same nation and uphold the principle of family dignity and racial posterity. Groups of Christian, different races can live together on the same community for reasons of financial desperation until they are able to institute their own racial communities. The idea is to prevent miscegenation. However, such groups should not accept couples with different dominant subraces (willful miscegenation).

We do not want to promote multiculturalism and mixed-subraces so as to intrude upon racial (DNA) and cultural likeness. Diversity is a great sin. Our patriarchs and religious models prohibited it. The righteous and passionate leader of Israel, Nehemiah, smote and plucked negligent leaders' hair off because of their negligence. Racial mixing angered him very much. Germany's Merkel and her transplanting different sub-races and non-assimilating peoples is an example of such wicked foolishness and great harm to the Hebrew concept of racial and cultural homogeneity. However, no one is able to smite her and pluck off her hair because she is within the NWO demise and politically protected from religious reproof.

God made nature and people assimilate to the natural, not the unnatural. People of the same color assimilate with people of the same color naturally. Although color is not a sole attribute of genetics, it is a very distinguishable element. We should not force peoples of different colors upon lands or communities and expect them to naturally assimilate—they can't. A less physically obvious difference of peoples is culture; however, it manifests strife when people try to philosophically engage. Ezra, a righteous leader of Israel, even forbade attempts of non-Hebrew women to remain with Hebrew husbands. Forced divorce was required among the returning Hebrew men. (Note that the perverted, Jewish are not Hebrews/Jews. They are a post-Titus heretical group. They do not promote like race for like race; they are mixed peoples who defy patrilineal law and genetic inheritance as exemplified by Moses.) We Christians must be diligent to avoid mixing non-Christians and mixed subraces among ourselves as the Hebrews segregated themselves. Other subraces and cultures must be generally directed away from us. We are doing no harm to them for abiding by our wisdom. Adverse and non-assimilating peoples should want to provide their own communities or nations of like subrace and like culture.

We must have theological and physical borders.

Brothers and sisters, we can help provide (nationally) within our own nations and even can sometimes provide internationally, but let us not forget responsibilities of racial and cultural likeness to our immediate families. Building from within through Godly principles of demographics and faith (1 Ti. 5:8) is our goal. Hence, those of us that expect to lead must be willing to work within our own nations, among our own kind and help develop our native environment, not come to the USA for an escape or depend upon perverted political leadership. Our pastors and teachers must not tip-toe on the dotted line that Al Sharpton would like to draw for us. We must be racially discerning as Sarah and not fall into the deception of Tzipi Livni, who promotes a no-racism policy, typical of modern Jewishism and contrary to the Scriptures. As a matter in fact, if the Israeli Arabs would convert from Islam to the Jewish religion, the social conflict would be generally over; the racial part isn't that much of a concern because the Jewish are already mongrelized and not a race. Promoting balkanization helps them desoveignize the once, hegemonious Japhethic race (peoples of Northern European descendants, extending from at least France to Russia). Therefore, to prevent such racial catastrophe, let us promote racial likeness as much as possible: Japhethic for Japhethic, Semitic for Semitic and Hamitic for Hamitic racial and social environments. The Christian community plan is a multi-lateral, development of racial and cultural likeness (homogeneity) and self-dependence throughout the nations and places of the world.

Since we are a spiritual family (of many subraces and peoples), and in the overthrown USA we live in a multiracial society, I believe it may be expedient for us to begin communities of even mixed races at first, and the various subraces can begin to separate and make their own communities when they have enough people. Nevertheless, we must abide by strict rules to prevent improper association and attempts of miscegenation such as Shechem. I believe we can live honorably among one another (due to lack of homogeneous community opportunity and hardship) and mutually respect the rule of racial and cultural homogeneity among ourselves if we put Godly principle in mind and kill the desire of the flesh. Christian blacks can live among black communities and initialize states as Marcus Garvey suggested. Christian Semites can learn to segregate among Semites and others as the Hebrews once did. Christian whites can segregate among their peoples.

However, we live in very difficult times, and many of us that are willing to build and give do not have the opportunity. Nevertheless, I want to share the community concept to Christians. We have the ability to determine how we should develop communities according to the Hebrew guideline (Numbers 36:5-13): racial and cultural homogeneity.

1 Cor. 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? 4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.

Take note that we can determine for ourselves and how other people should determine living principles and borders. See the links below.


Post-Babel Divine Segregation And Racial/Lingual Nationalism: Remedy For Peace

Mongrelism Will Not Prevail

Christianity Surpasses Jewishism In All Areas Of Philosophy

Like People For Like People/Natural Association

Avoiding Miscegenation and Desegregation: Blessings of Noah

Tzipi Livni: Two-state Sin

Solving Racial and Cultural Homogeneity in Israel

Invitation for Jewish Conversion to Christianity

Lofven: NWO Threat of Racial Nihilism

Shem, Japheth and Ham

Hebrew Genealogical and Genetic Requirements

The Ezran Expulsion of Mixed Peoples

Nehemiah: Separating Mixed Peoples

Hebrew Demographics: Moses


Non-Jewish Hebrew Genetics Heretics: David Duke

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