
(This is not a personal letter. This letter was found in my files where it had been kept for several years. I thought I would print it out because I don't have a permanent place to stay now, and may not have the opportunity to publish it if I don't do it now. Take care in respect of Jesus, amen.)
Dear friend,
I can understand why some people do not want to be like other people. The other day Edith mentioned a man who was drinking and wanted to talk about the things about God. She also mentioned another man, Homer Jenkins; she said he could prey the prettiest prayer you ever heard when he was drinking, but when he was sober, he did not mention anything about the things of God. (In so many words).
I was thinking about Ronnie, he is quiet. I do not blame people at all when they do not want to be like other people who say one thing, but do another. Today women are divorced and married to another man, while their first husband is yet living; and they go to the churches and are involved in social things, and they pronounce standards; even though such a life is condemned, they have the ignorance and audacity to impose upon the church.
But, even though, I do not blame someone for not wanting to live like others who say one thing, and do another; and such people, who do not want to be hypocrites, have my admiration: this virtue alone, is not sufficient to meet the requirements of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ – in order for a person to become acceptable unto God.... (sic) they must be born again, they must surrender unto God, putting their faith in him, in his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is our savior, and He is the only way. The Bible says, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” St. John 14:6.

Substance Abstinence
Addiction Support Map
Not Meeting The Standard: Elmer Gantry Expose
Divorce And Remarriage
Will To Serve God
Different Types Of Monotheism