[Part Two]
We have a need for instituting schools for our children. Many Christian children go to public school under anti-Christian rule. God has the ability to provide Christians with the means of having their own educational facilities for children including the indigent – it takes faith on our part. We need to recognize that we have a responsibility to God and to one another not to let the minds of our youth be discouraged and polluted; otherwise, it may be accounted to our negligence. Such schools would have a great potential for being a source of evangelism for all youth through inviting all to attend.
Furthermore, we should avoid the social-immoral lawlessness of general anti-Christianity, such as the disallowance or resistance of Christian evangelism, teaching, the promotion of righteousness and Godliness in the work place. The employment setting should be a nourishing, didactic, thanksgiving-to-God, song-singing, praise-hymning, God-given-utterance speaking, place where employees are discipled to learn, apply and enjoy the things of God while work (toil, sweat of the brow, earning bread even through tortuous, dirty effort) is performed.
We also have a great need to avoid the social-immoral lawlessness such as the protection of the legal right of homosexuality. God can not bless a land or organization that tolerates it! This particular sin is an insult against gender, a crime against nature, a hindrance and offense in the work place, and an abomination unto God. Just think how conspicuous potential serial murderers and child molesters would become if this perversion were outlawed. The Lord loathes indifference and other social-immoral and sexual-immoral lawlessnesses. By the way, if the so called "pro-choice" people can influence the government to allow the medical profession to kill innocent babies – abortion, we believers should realize we have a need to promote Christian ideals through obedience unto God's commands and the encouragement of the unification of the body (the church)! We should influence the governments of the world by implementing Christian principles upon every issue pertaining to the things of God, even though I have gotten off the subject of finances, and develop institutions that will benefit the Christian people and all of mankind. As in heaven, so in earth. Amen.
Not only should we have our own Christian institutions, but we should also, if we have a choice, avoid being brought under the direction of non-Christian institutions such as law courts (I Cor. 6:1-8). The Christians at Corinth needed to be admonished about going to law before the unjust, and not before the saints. The Apostle Paul implied it would be better to suffer wrong and fraud rather than sue at court. Christian lawyers have a need to realize this, disallowing themselves to be partakers of the sins of those who neglectfully desire to be their legal clients due to the rejection or ignorance of Biblical guidance. Such people should be directed to Christ and to the authority of the administration of the body of Christ--the Holy Bible. Let us avoid having a form of Godliness and denying the power thereof!
Even though, while we are on this subject, it is not right to be defrauded. Nevertheless, Paul's advice is acquiescent as to giving up a possession or right, which is similarly in concord with the giving up a right (even though it is not a right after the time limit) to collect a loan from a brother in the year of cancellation of debts in the Old Testament. God's principles are more important than the monetary value of a right or possession. The Lord does not want us to be burdened continually with the collection of debts, nor does He want us to violate His "loan" and "rule" commands when we are doing it. God wants his people to experience financial and legal freedom. When the Christian body is willing to unitedly submit to God's direction with a debt-dropping attitude as a harmonic organism, and furthermore, give open-heartedly (loan) to their needy, then prosperity can flourish.
By the way, I'm not suggesting wicked or foolish loans that would jeopardize the good welfare of anyone or his family. I also realize many of us are not able to be financially free at the present as God would like us to be, but we can make decisions now that will bring a change in our economic and theocratic future.
We are in a difficult crisis. The world has terrible economic problems because it does not follow Christian instruction. Christians need to be delivered from the futile world economic system. We are tied up in something that is against God's instruction and direction. For an illustrative example, after the return from the Babylonian captivity the Jews were released from the world economic system of that time. Then, they came back to Jerusalem and developed a financial system that was not for their good. They began to pollute the system with usury and their own people were brought into financial bondage. Even though their interest rate was relatively low at one percent, this made Nehemiah very angry. The problem was resolved through reverence of God and united agreement among God's people. The Federal Reserve Board did not have one say in the matter. The creditors released any hold on fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses, and also the usury of money, grain, new wine and oil (Ne. 5:1-13). Similarly, we need to give up our desire to earn interest and to get gain through any type of interest earnings. Also we need to be mindful of our Christian brothers and sisters and work together for God's purpose as a collective group, although independent at times, being holy, non-covetous, not greedy of gain, not loving money. We could do a great work for God if we but would by simply denying ourselves and taking up our cross. May the Lord touch all of His people today that they consider their financial situation and resolve it in an individual and ecclesiastical way that will help our poor live without being enslaved and glorify Him. Amen.
Are you aware of the fact that God wants to bless us financially? He wants us to function and abound as a loving, faithful, knowledgeable, scripture-referencing, economic organism without being in bondage to, but rather fulfilling His lending and repayment, and rule provisions. I don't want to seem to impose legalistic rules upon you as the Israelites were once subject to, but the beauty and grace of the idea of giving and release of debts should carry over into our New Covenant theology, and our lives should exemplify equal or surpassing care for one another. If we are willing to respond and use our finances according to the generous giving (lending) without grudging that is taught in the O. T., and the services of alms and grace in the NT..: (II Cor. 9:7, 8; 8:1-9:15), God can sustain and bless us because He wants us to prosper. I'm not making this stuff up--it's wonderful! Look what the Scripture says, "However, there should be no poor among you, for in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you, if only you fully obey the Lord your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today" (Dt. 15:4, 5). God wants His people (Christians) to look after the needs of other Christians so that there won't be any poor among us! So what does the Scripture say? "If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. Rather be openhanded and freely lend him whatever he needs" (Dt. 15:7, 8).
I believe it makes sense to think of the body of Christ as a large, growing family spread out among every nation. Since we are a family (a supernatural family--the members born of God), we have a natural responsibility to take care of one another. We should prefer God's instruction (parental guidance) above any other instruction. But if we can't take care of our own members how can we take care of anyone else? We also have a responsibility not to comply with those that want to share our material increase but do not want to obey God's commandments; rather, we should reprove them. The way Christians obey God and care for one another should be an inviting demonstration to others, in so much, that they would want to be part of us.
The NT. mentions the gift of imparting (Rom. 12:8), and the gift of governments (I Cor. 12:28). It is interesting to note that a study of the administration of loans and rule (Dt. 15:1-11) may reflect some light upon the implementation of those gifts. Jesus Christ is Lord!
May the Lord bless his people that they prosper and be in health even as their souls prosper,
Br. Ken
Teachers with adverse financial concepts to this Christian finance site: Bill Gates, other corporate executives, Larry Burkett, very many, insurance company representatives, real estate fiduciaries, college financial aid planners and others. On the other hand, surprisingly due to the deliberate determent of the tyrannous media concerning healthy, Christian economics, Adolf Hitler was against interest subservience (Mein Kampf, Vol. 1, Ch. 11).

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Serving One Another

Cause of office revocation: Charging interest to anyone: Council of Nicaea: Canons at # 17

Focus upon Nehemian Economics

Idea of capital as tool of anti-establishment and adversity:
The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion
(According to 6-22-00, this book is still available)

Freedom Policy

Make sure you have done your duty
and are exonerated

URL: https://hesedken.com/prosper2.html


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