Mr. Trump Is The Greatest President In Over A Century The October caravans have overcome the police and military of Mexico, and are continuing their journey for the world's most generous nation. However, the fortune seekers who do not want to accept Mexico's asylum package and benefits because they are not as luxurious as the USA's will not be allowed the usual congressional cuck politician hand-out. Our president has sent the military to prevent their fraud and invasion. Halleluyah! Catch And Release Fraud Mr. Trump said the invaders would be detained at the border this time. The usual “catch and release” incompetent method of demise of the nation's sovereignty will no longer be permitted. Thank God! President Trump said the people who have previously plagued our nation through disappearing and not showing up for court “will be deported”. Praise our God for Trump's leadership. Amen. Lack Of Immigration Control: Without borders, we have no sovereignty. Caravans and individual fortune seekers must not be allowed to invade our borders. If they do not regard our laws to enter our country, how much will they respect our laws after they unlawfully sneak into our country! |
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Suggestion:The Christian Neo-Hebrew Party Amicable political defense, re-patriation or homogeneous colonization remains over-latently as our logical political resolve. American Northern Europeans Standing Together Parasitic inferiority can be replaced with racial recovery and autonomy! Replace Talmudicist propaganda with faith. A study on dominion vs. the evolution of reverse slavery Abraham Lincoln: Inferior Race Understanding Kingliness and Priestliness Antigenocide and Pro-life Go Hand-in-hand Christianity Promoting,
Non-Race-Abdicating Military Leaders: |