Condolence of Suicide

Suicide is grievous. It is never God's will that a person take his own life; it is the devil who discourages. People suffer from mental pain. Some may get to a point they think life is more than they can bear. Too painful to bear. It really isn't and especially to a person who has fellowship with our savior and Lord Jesus Christ. However, if we fail to reach, correct and lift up that person who is suffering psychologically, we know what can happen and experience the emotions, pain and grief we go through.

It is not lack of talent or greatness that causes suicide; it is a spiritual deficiency and lack of hope. Some women have taken toxic pills to avoid being raped, defiled and polluted by wicked and perverse, invading armies. Their chastity and integrity was cherished. Some great military men have killed themselves so as to prevent being captured by an enemy. Instead of facing the interrogation and consequences at the lack of mercy of their opponents, they stopped the chance of their adversaries delighting in their humiliation and pain of punishment.

Sadly, a person choosing his own death to end or escape worse pain cannot be morally justified from us who possess faith, hope and love because we rather let the enemy take our lives enduring hardship, even if it is battling in self-defense, and not take our own lives.

Sometimes unlearned Christians, especially teachers, will make a sweeping, false statement even though they may believe it. They fail to search the Scriptures on some subjects and draw their conclusions too short. Don't be like that and don't put too much confidence in a person that seems to know what they are doing. Always look unto God and the Bible for the authority, sometimes that may take quite a bit of study.

The gentleman said he asked a friend if a person committed suicide could he go to heaven. What determines whether a person goes to heaven or not is whether he has Jesus. Christians can know they have eternal life (I John 5:10-13) -- it is not something they should be in doubt about. However, if he has Jesus, he is expected to live an abundant life and be happy even if he is attacked by demons. Sometimes, people let demons and depression take advantage of them, and they should snap out of it as quickly as possible.

Learning and memorizing good Scriptures like Psalm 23, I Corinthians, chapter 13, Philippians 4:6-8 will help keep the Christian in a healthy mind set. Also fellowshipping with other Christians may lift a person up -- going to a church service. No matter how much we feel oppressed or defeated, if we have faith in Jesus then we must look unto him for our recovery -- he is the only one who can give us the spiritual power to defeat Satan and his fellow fallen angels.

Jesus Christ paid for our sin: past, present and future. It is through his works, not ours, that paid the price for sin on the cross. We can obey in faith but we will never be perfect in this fallen world. "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." (I John 1:8) Even though we may know we are saved, we must always strive to do good and things that are positive, advancing life, not destroying it.

If someone doesn't know whether he is saved or not, then call out to God in the name of Jesus, believing on him that he died for your sins and God raised him up. God will not turn you away. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10:13) Then tell others you have asked God to give you Jesus in your life and that you believe in him and are overcoming through him.

More on death

Encouragement from Tara