Sexual Immorality and the Brink of Apostasy-pg 2

(This paper was written several years ago, but the message is
still beneficial. It is not a personal letter.)
When you hear the term "leaders of tomorrow," doesn't that tend to remind you of excellence? Ideas and decision making are the essence of leadership. It is the quality of the ideas that give leadership its direction--the precious quality of morality.
If you look on some college bulletin boards and see what kind of advertisements, promotions, instructional and encouragemental materials are posted, you may find that quite a bit has to do with human sexual behavior in some aspect or respect. You may find information posted encouraging the use of condoms, dry sex, homosexual condonation, and who knows what?
With educational facilities proliferating such shameful and disobedient acts in contradiction to God's written word (and early American thought), what kind of effect does this have on students? "Do not be mislead: Bad company corrupts good habits." When an institution blatantly mocks the instruction of God, it has a harmful effect on students and also the general public.

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