(This is not a personal letter.)
The American holocaust--war on children--infanticide must be evangelically and legally confronted. In spite of this savageness, lives are being born and saved every day. The reason for this is because mothers are giving birth to their children. Many Christian individuals and groups, and others are desperately trying to prevent the slaughter and exploitation of human life on American soil and around the world. I praise the Lord for this.
Unfortunately, many of the deceived and wicked are continuing to pursue a legal victory. Therefore, I encourage you to continue, and for those who have not already begun, to begin, and help save millions of lives, and speak up and come to the aid of those who have not grown up enough to speak and act for themselves.
Included is my sermon "Truth." This study may enlighten you as to the essence of depraved waywardness in the aspect of abortion through every means from drugs and condoms unto savage butchery with scissors. I have heard that even experiments have been taken upon some of the deceased infants. If that is so, then little humans are being treated just as animals, as a fly is killed because it is a nuisance, or as mice are used for medical experimentation, for the mere benefit of an ungrateful to God, indifferent, if not militant, hedonistic society.
     In the sense of physical predetermination, God has known from before he made the world whom he would form into a human being. He knew our progenitors would give birth to us before we were born. He knows who will come into being in the future. He knows everyone's eternal destiny. He knows everything. He has been from everlasting unto everlasting.
     No one has a right to intervene into the sexual reproduction process God created whether before pregnancy, first trisemester, or any other time. Jesus said,
     "They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick." (Mt. 9:12) This statement implies that physicians may be useful, but murder is not a medical technique! There may be medical necessities, but it is never necessary to kill (abort) a pre-born baby.
     "Thou shalt not kill." (Ex. 20:13) The rationale of men should never attempt to disannul God's commandments. "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away." (Job 1:21) When Rachel bore Benjamin to Jacob she died. This was a sad occurrence; but nevertheless, good came from it--Benjamin lived! The "taking away" needs to be left up to God: not to mortals.
     Abortion is when a person uses any instrument, medicine, drug, or other substance whatever, with the intent to procure a miscarriage of any women. Such a woman does not have to be pregnant, that a miscarriage be in fact accomplished.
     Preborn babies have a right to life. When a woman wishes to abort a baby, her problem is not so much a physical problem as it is a spiritual problem. If any woman acknowledged how much God loved her, and put her trust in him, she would never want to displease God. But even if a woman is unbelieving, she could give her baby up for adoption if she did not want it.
     The base disrespect for life and the moral depravity in government, the medical profession, and throughout the nation and world is horrible.  God can save horrible people. Repent! Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Br. Ken

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Other Thoughts and links:
Unwanted Events and Pregnancy: We must live by faith. Faithful marriages and child bearing brings forth adored children. However, sometimes, things have happened that are not good for people, such as war rapes, incestual occurrences and other forms of unwanted events that brought about unwanted pregnancy. Nevertheless, we must not make things worse by breaking God's laws and taking the life of an innocent child or pre-born. Abortion is not a consideration for a faithful Christian; better Christian religious thought, science and medical ethics, and homogeneous politics and communities that protect our women is. We must be especially protective concerning prevention of inter-racial rape.
Sexual intercourse outside of holy matrimony is sinful: whether it manifests itself in incest, rape, adultery, wastefulness, or fornication. An instance of wastefulness in marriage occurred when Onan secreted upon the ground, rather than making a complete effort to be sexually fruitful with his wife--this appeared wicked before the Lord; God killed him (Gen. 38.9).
Even though sinful occurrences of unwanted pregnancy may appear, we must apply a pro-life advancement technique, not a taking-away of life method. The idea is to make a better and more protective community, not administrating murderous or life-preventive medical techniques, which God cannot approve. An unwanted baby can be given up for adoption, there is no need to kill it. We also put so much confidence in doctors, even allowing nude examinations of mates... I think this is bigger problem than merely implementing midwives and depending upon prayer, and accepting things that come our way in confidence that God will bring us hope. Of course, we don't want these tragedies, but horrible as they are, we must seek God in every thing we do.

We must fight against Gentile genocide: Antigenocide goes hand and hand with pro-life
Supplementary material
Abortion (non-hyperlinked)

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