I closed with the words, "In Christian love and admonition," and signed my name. Then Mr. Robertson responded by letter with a falsely glorifying and pernicious testimonial of Mr. Graham, and his own ruinous misconception and illusion concerning the matter of life after divorce for a believer. He also stated, "I do not believe that the statement by Billy Graham that you quoted in your paper "IRRELIGION," is unscriptural because God indeed is 'faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.'" He referenced I John 1:9. However, in unambiguous contradiction to Mr. Robertson's statement, particularly to this issue, God does not forgive a person who continues in his or her sin without repentance and obedience to His marital sanctity and chastity requirement laws. I have clearly and explicitly explained this matter through many of my mentioned papers and others.

Let me give you more detail and explanation: Mr. Robertson was condoning Billy Graham's passive and treacherous counsel, "God never meant for people to be divorced, but if you are already divorced, ask God to forgive you, to cleanse you, to straighten you out and make you a good wife or a good husband to your present spouse, if you have one."1

Futilely and odiously so, concerning Mr. Graham's quote, that is like saying, "If you are already living in sin, give God some lip service, and ask Him to help you continue in your sin." What he should have said is this: "If you are already divorced, ask God to forgive you, to cleanse you, to straighten you out and make you do whatever it takes to keep you from becoming unchaste and committing adultery."

In regard to this subtle deviation, the Bible clearly states, "The wife is bound by the law for the length of time her husband lives." (1 Cor. 7:39) "So then, if she be married to another man while her husband lives, she shall be called an adulteress." (Romans 7:3) Such immoral activity is condemned: "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [adultery], fornication ... that they who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." (Gal. 5:19-21)

1 Billy Graham, "Marriage, Your Home and You," Decision, June 1986: 2.

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