Why Should USA Go Bankrupt Fighting Wars For An Illegitimate People?

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Ron Paul is a great man for upholding the Constitution, seemingly much better than most of his peers. However, he seems to fail the simple test of Christian preservation and preventing anti-Christian perversion.

Martin Luther warned us (although we should differentiate between the terms Jew and "Jewish" today) when he wrote, "Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. For they have no business in the countryside, since they are not lords, officials, tradesmen, or the like. Let they stay at home. . . If you princes and nobles do not close the road legally to such exploiters, then some troop ought to ride against them, for they will learn from this pamphlet what the Jews are and how to handle them and that they ought not to be protected. You ought not, you cannot protect them, unless in the eyes of God you want to share all their abomination."1

Luther's message and exhortation concerning avoidance of aiding irreligious, willful sin should be especially taken heed to by Ron Paul and all other of our political officials! To the contrary, even worse than having tried to “protect” (ironic in cabal-ruled USA), Paul has endorsed Dr. Murray Sabrin, who according to is denoted as Jewish. Jewish people are associated with the blasphemous, Talmud, the synagogue of Satan and the culture of death. No matter how much Sabrin agrees with Paul on financial matters, no Christian or other person should help such an antiChristian in any way. Paul also has committed further sin by asking people to support this man financially to obtain an office of rule over us in the NJ Senate. This is nonsense and Satanic. Please take Luther's advice and refute Paul by not giving this subverter one cent, and by not sharing in his abomination in any way.

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Honestly, and to my sorrow, if I had known that Paul was that unlearned or apostate of Christian principles so as to support one who denies (or mocks) Jesus Christ our Lord, I don't think I would have given him any presidential campaign money. I have grief now.

To support my exhortation and what I've said, below is an excerpt of an email from Ron Paul on Feb. 28, 2008:

“Dr. Murray Sabrin, my dear friend of 25 years, is running for the United States Senate in New Jersey this year. Murray has devoted his career to promoting limited government and personal freedom. I have officially endorsed his campaign.”

Paul does comparatively well by upholding the Constitution, but he lacks Christian moral. Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and other early Americans were aware of the viperous political threat and forbade the Talmudicists. Gullibility such as Paul's and ignorance toward people like Sabrin and the curse of willful antiChristianity is what has brought America to its death bed!

Volume 47: "The Christian in Society" IV, (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1971). pp 268-293


Ron Paul is a very pleasant and talented man in many ways. I realize people have faults, but they can repent and make themselves better persons if they so choose. It does take a decision though. I will gladly continue to support Ron Paul as a political candidate if he apologizes to the public. If he doesn't, I will look for another leader of the REVOLUTION. You can't be a leader of a revolution of liberty if you promote leaders of exploitation and toxic religion, who would be susceptible of offering another version of entrapment rather than practicing Christian principles of freedom and real liberty.

Let us not forget some of the basic principles of the Council of Nicaea:
1. Anathematization of those who argue against the deity of Christ (note: the Jewish Talmud blasphemes Jesus, God and the saints)
2. Deterring interest earning and anti-Christian banking (prevent needless mortgages, loans, credit purchases and keep yourself from paying dishonorable gain)

Considering the trend of the last century, it looks like we don't have much hope now: Unlikely revolution

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