A Hesedken Presentation
Promoting The Torah Of Moses, Not The Jewish Talmud



The Lord Jesus Christ said, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” (Mt. 10:34) The pope confuses his own peace against that of the Lord. He tells people about the Vatican, global world view concerning immigration but ignores the biblical concepts of racial and cultural homogeneity concerning things of God as he presents himself as an elephant experimenting and brushing his trunk in the china closet. Jesus the Christ righteously discriminated the woman of Canaan was not from his people, and Israel was for the Hebrew, not to be demographically eliminated. The woman of Canaan heeded his word; she did not strive against race: she received blessing through faith, not to be desolate through rebellion and disgrace. To the contrary, Mr. Bergoglio (the current pope) doesn't accept righteous discrimination as to protecting a demographic: “In a spirit of compassion, let us embrace all those fleeing from war and hunger, or forced by discrimination, persecution, poverty and environmental degradation to leave their homelands.”1

Of course, as Satan subtly deceived Eve, Mr. Bergoglio puts his idea in a light that seems good. It is not evil to have compassion, to embrace those of our own fleeing from war and hunger. In the right context, it is good to give to the poor and help those suffering persecution, and those suffering environmental problems. However, it is not good to allow the wicked, especially those living in walled mansions, to dominate you or tell you whether or not to accept immigrants, especially in mass or invasive numbers.

Sarah protected Isaac's posterity, she excluded Ishmael, son of Hagar, from Israel's prosperity; and Abraham listened to God's direction, his obedience brought a blessed nation. Ezra disallowed the Babylonian, he demanded racial and cultural homogeneity; the miscegenator lost his wife, and the nation ended its strife. Nehemiah cherished the kingdom of David, but Solomon committed many sins, and he married strange wives; by honoring homogeneity we bless lives. Joshua gave wisdom to his people of bliss, they were not to integrate with foreigners; snares, traps, and thorns in the flesh, they were to miss.

It isn't good to pollute your land with those of not your own race and culture. It isn't good to neglect the biblical prosperity of your own nation for fortune and job seekers; it is proper to go to other nations and help the people help themselves, or direct them toward a nation of their own genetic and cultural similarity. A new Tower of Babel is a design for Satan's playground.

It is treachery for a political or religious leader to endanger his own people with those who do not respect Christian culture and the founding race of the nation. Illegal border crossers, rapists, murderers and criminals must never be allowed to enter while a man is still alive and standing at the gates. A nation has enough problems with its own homogeneous population to avoid tyranny, pollution, and anything similar to what brought the Roman Empire down. It must never succumb to leadership of the devil, or those bearing false light.

It is not good to believe a minister (self-made pope) who does not believe and purposely contradicts the New Testament. Roman Catholicism has many heresies, too many to mention in this exposé as to usurping authority of God in immigration matters. My suggestion for those who have been influenced by Bergoglio's religious system is to start considering others' ideas concerning Christianity. Build and man walls and righteously discriminate among the population in order to protect the people as Nehemiah and Ezra.


1 JANUARY 2018,

Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace


The Alt Right Song

Understanding Homogeneous Adoption Pre-requisites

(Take note of the testimony at about 22 minutes into the video)


Adam and Eve “knew” one another. They became one flesh through and after their coitus experience. Similarly, a chaste Roman Catholic priest that has had sex with a virgin (whether a nun or not) and divorced (separated) her should renounce his ministry position if necessary because the obligation of fulfilling the marriage responsibility is biblically required if the virgin's father accepts him as a husband. However, his ministry position isn't necessarily of prime importance. If the male priest respects the institution of marriage, he should not put away his wife because of his ministry position because the Scripture says the husband “shall cleave to his wife” (Gn. 2:24); and also, that no one should separate what God has yoked together (Mk. 10:9)--”one flesh” (Gn. 2:24).

If the priest doesn't accept the once virgin as a wife, then he would not be fulfilling the chastity law and would be putting himself in a position similar to that of a fornicator and worse than a mere slanderer, realizing the virginity testimony of the virgin but attempting to evade the marriage responsibility and cover up the sex-joining incident without a community trial, or otherwise, not believing in the marriage institution and unification of God. Concerning the latter case of infidelity, he then by no means should continue as a proclaimed minister of God.


Officials Of Religious Organizations Who Should Re-unite Their Relationships

Re-unification of the Roman Catholic priest and his former wife would be proper as long as the female partner has not had sex with anyone else after her separation. In case they join back together and can't live compatibly, and separate again, neither would be allowed to remarry. Legalizing an annulment would not justify their divorce nor allow remarriage.

Scripture is always the authority, not a board decision or a minister of a religious organization! Below is an example of how erring ministers make the law of God void:

A good example of “an annulment” that could be given on solid grounds would be if a woman were to “marry” (through no fault of her own) a man whom she later discovered to be a validly ordained priest. Since priests cannot enter into matrimony (canon 1972),4 the union between this priest and the woman was not a valid marriage. She would be given a decree of nullity that she was never married. She would be free to marry another person.

This quote was taken from “28. The Annulment Fiasco – The Vatican II Sect’s De Facto acceptance of Divorce and Remarriage” on website page http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/28_Annulments.pdf on Aug. 12, 2013.


I remember a Roman Catholic girl who had a brother and whose supposedly virgin girl friend had sex with him. Their relationship broke up. Instead of trying to re-unite the couple or avoid her ex-virgin friend due to a desire to date other men, she double dated with the ex-virgin due to her still being considered a personal, long-time friend. This was an act of injustice in itself and even an assault against the male who was dating the ex-virgin, knowing the girl's unchastity and former bond with her brother. This is a type of spiritual fornication. Even though she didn't proclaim unchastity for herself, she impliedly condoned fornication by aiding her girl friend to become involved with another man other than her brother.


Men must not date women that proclaim they are physically chaste but are spiritually lewd such as this (see above paragraph). How long would her physcial chastity last once she married! If she can't discern the iniquity of her girl friend's unwarranted relationship, where would she get spiritual strength to fight off sexual temptation in the future. If she generally trusts the Roman Catholic Church doctrine, and not the Scripture, she is not ready for biblcal marriage. Remaining single is the only recovery for a defiled virgin who is devastated. Single women must understand this and that defilement consequences are perpetual.

Fornication is the only justification for divorce/annulment (Mt. 19.9) ...

Refuting the “Perpetual Virginity” and Re-virginity Doctrine