Hebrew Tribal Genetics: Patrilineal, Marital Succession And Inheritance Law: Numbers 36: 5-13 Ruth: Semitic With Israelite, Patrilineal Inheritance Hebrew Genetic And Genealogical Requirement Haplotype, Y-DNA and mtDNA Testing Nehemiah Restriction And Separation Of Non-Hebrews
613 Commandments: Evasive Miscount Of Maimonides
Replies from YouTube: I had previously posted on “Response to a Jews for Jesus spokesman”, but Gavriel Yitzchak dropped my post. I personally think he was scared for others to see it because it demonstrated to the effect that the Jewish do not obey genetic, subracial law of Numbers 36: 5-13 and the Ezran Covenant (Ezra 10). My post also alluded to the patrilineal succession law inheritance of the Lord Jesus Christ through both parents. What does he have to lose in putting faith in the God's anointed, whom the Scriptures attribute his descendancy as patrilineal and legitimate?
However, he did send me a message (below: I put it in red font color) on 11/04/12. Seemingly he tries to evade the real, genetic issue of Nu. 36:5-13 and make it a cultural issue by alluding to Dt. 7 and distorting so as to make further confusion. Won't work Gavriel! Then he mentions Ruth. Blessed Ruth's marriage, which was centuries before the Ezran Covenant, was permitted although it was not the norm. Nevertheless, King David was still born of patrilineal Hebrew descendancy. Jewish people do not meet this genetic and tribal requirement; they even to the contrary, propose an unwarranted matrilineal law in direct opposition to God's design.
Perpetrating the misperception of Jewish being as Hebrew, Gavriel also stated, “On the other hand, in Ezra 10:2-3, the Jews returning to Israel vowed to put aside their non-Jewish wives and the children born to those wives. They could not have put aside those children if those children were Jews.” The real circumstances were the returning Hebrews (Jews) put away their non-Hebrew wives: the women did not belong (even if they were willing to follow all the cultural rules or not) to the genetic tribes of Israel and were disallowed an inheritance. The children of those women were hybrids and could not be included in the tribes of Israel either.
Failing to justify and prove himself concerning Hebrew succession inheritance of the tribe of Judah, Gavriel continued to flounder and also made some erroneous comments on my video “Council Of Nicaea: Jesus Is God”. He is like a blind guide. Don't follow his mistakes.
Re:Patrilineal Succession Law And Deity Of Christ
"Truth is
necessary, not fables. Many people think Jews For Jesus are
Hebrew. This is not true. The Jewish do not follow the patrilineal
law of inheritance according to Moses. (David Brickner should
study Hebrew tribal inheritance law if he would like to know more
about the disinherited Hebrew or partial Hebrew.) Actually the
Jewish follow a post-Babylonian, (anti-Ezran), matrilineal rule
that defies the written Torah and destroys the possibility of
Hebrew genetic acceptability. Therefore, genetically, they are not
patrilineally Hebrew and real Jews. Actually, most of them are
mere goyim (Gentiles) although perhaps mixed with some Semitic
blood." LINKS: RE: Messianic Judaism? Can Jews believe in Jesus?