Paul Newman: Sell-out White


Wife of Faulkner says to visit website. Worldling stars, such as Paul Newman, and other perverts attempt to discount sentence of convicted murderer and former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal. It is not an issue of institution of life sentences replacing capital punishment, but seemingly, lesser penalties for criminal blacks against white victims even when they are policemen because the defendant's advocates assert racial bias.

It is unlikely the Hollywood gang is so concerned because of ideological, deep convictions for ethnic fairness or judicial morality as far as that goes, especially considering their promotion of sexual immorality, which once was also punished by the death penalty. Generally, the movie industry consistently has proven to advocate the devil's side of ideology. The acting industry can ruin the docile innocent and make the harmful and rapacious appear as good people. This can easily be seen through promoted miscegenation, and other forms of destructive social and racial influence. So, it is amusing what the real reason is behind their support for non-whites ... even when it is murder. (Dec. 19, 01)

Hollywood And Defilement Of The Land

Newman blasphemed, played the role of a gambler and other sinful appearances in his movie production. The entertainment industry, ruled by the Jewish, exploited the ignorance of Americans while their economy and media were subverted. The "masters of the world" sent their prey and victims to wars and distracted them with events and social deviance using the theatre. America is a fallen country due to such evil. Just think how well off the country would have been if its movie production were censored and promoted edifying things instead of all the filth and defilement!

Mr. Newman may have given donations from his business earnings after his acting career, but what kind of moral example did he show himself to be to the public while making movies for such a political undermining industry. A philanthropist in the moral sense of the word would not allow or promote a population to be subverted from its good success. Nehemiah was among the greats for helping people establish their well-being. The Jewish philanthropists (so called) or their associates do not walk in the same steps.

There are several kinds of actors: some act in love and sincerity for God (see the book Acts in the Bible). Others act in pretense for financial reward. There will be a day everyone, including the clique of shame's actors and actresses, will answer to Jehovah for what they have done and how well they have obeyed or not the real Ruler's commandments and helped their fellow man.

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