We need revolution. However, it must be a spiritual revolution, not political or military. We need Christianity and the will to work as groups in our lives; it must begin with personal commitment and the will to influence others to follow.

There are teachers living in error telling us about the New World Order and how to fight it. Alex Jones is one of the greatest voices against globalism through a large Internet radio audience. He has a great patriotic personality in many ways and advocates Christianity to some extent; however, he admits he is a mortgage debtor.

In order to overcome our internationalist enemies, we can't play their game. We can't plan our lives as debtors and succeed economically. Also, don't trust in gold or silver; trust in God and Biblical principles. It will take humility and doing without or less so as not to borrow and pay interest. (See my video.) Even immigrants join and live together to make ends meet. They cross our borders, live together, and live for less until they become established. However, they gain the choice of jobs on us through Affirmative Action so that leaves us with even less opportunity than the border crosser. Nevertheless, that should not stop us from doing all we can to avoid debt and begin to live debt-free lives. This is the only way an economy can become free. Don't fall into the New World Order's initial money (interest-earning) trap unnecessarily. We can't depend upon bought politicians to provide us with debt-free living; we have to make our own communities!

The USA is dying because it has been politically and irreligiously seduced by the enemy and our country left off seeking God. We should have suggested working in homogeneous groups before the Federal Reserve Bank ever came into existence. We have been taught to fight and struggle against one another instead of working for one another. The Christians' battle is not carnal, but spiritual. Adolf Hitler's economic plan worked; however, his property recovery and military revolution failed.

Ron Paul or any other politician is not able to lead a successful revolution. Jewish missionary foreign and internal policy has replaced Christian leadership in all forms of government. We are suffering good laws having been turned upside-down. Light and darkness can not mix. The USA destroyed itself by allowing Jewish (subversive, willfully antiChristian) missionaries to come into our country. Enslaving others is part of their strategy. Sadly, even our most honored politicians, lacking theological competence, don't seem to realize this phenomenon. Surprisingly, even Dr.David Duke hasn't fully awakened and doesn't differentiate between the Jew and the “Jewish”.

The mainstream churches are misleading and destroying the people. John Hagee doesn't even understand Hebrew genetics and demographics. Paul Crouch, Hal Lindsey, R.G. Stair, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, David Wilkerson and others have infected the nation with uncleanness and heresy. Apostate and heretical church movements will end in destruction.

Revolution is up to the Christian through obedience unto God, not the erring, unlearned, self-appointed church, government or the military. Separatists must begin on small philosophical farms, at least self-providing if not agricultural also, as self-starters with willing friends. Remember, Noah was a separatist with few followers among many mockers and wicked people.


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