Lincoln Opportunism and Spiritual Crime

Abraham Lincoln was a man headed for a career. He found it. Politics. He eventually after changing his former views made a decision to destroy the biblical institution of slavery, the South and white posterity in war. A career opportunity causes people to think. Unfortunately, Lincoln thought and re-thought, and made a heretical, bad choice. Nevertheless, foaming emotionalism and sacrilege in order to trample over Christian thought, reason and morality, the NWO, PBS and CNN false media dumb-down exalts and hails their “glorious” self-hater.

He seemed not to recognize that the great development of Northern European immigrants (white people) that established the great nation offering freedom to its own people, and slavery and earned freedom to others, could be damaged through rashly changing the traditional standards. However, brother fought against brother and cousin against cousin in a war that should have been prevented through diplomacy and time. Great men on both sides lost their lives and the nation suffered and lacked from their loss. As history has taught us, political opportunists don't use reason nor wait for diplomatic peace when they can achieve a higher position and are in danger of losing it to someone else. Consequently, both the North and the South lost their once freedoms.

Nations need politicians with biblical education, and the insight to keep peace among the nation/family. Before the war, the people of the US were pro-Christianity, not Jewish or Islamic. Now, the country is even religiously divided.

Grant and Sherman followed his heresy, assaults and crimes against Southern men, women and children. His tyranny and generals paved the way for other men of heresy, slaughter, and reason of man and demon. England initiated concentration camps against the Boers. Northern European people's leaders did not become less hardened. The East's Jewish/Russian revolution through Lenin and Stalin committed their massacres against Christians and Whites in the following decades. Instead of our world negotiating in such an important time before the Civil War and establishing Japhethic posterity for the whole, our leaders fought it out militarily to our collective detriment.

Lincoln, even as union officer Robert E. Lee, had the choice to allow state rights at the cost of secession. Both sides could have existed according to their own governments. Seemingly, the undue influence of the abolitionists and his erring career was too important to him. The North made a decision to follow their political leader, a man of war and opportunism: God forbid, opportunism that defied the Apostle Paul's thought of implementation of being a servant (slave) or free. The apostle never suggested rebellion and abolition of a biblical institution:

1 Cor. 7:21 Art thou called being a servant? care not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather. 22 For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord’s freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ’s servant. 23 Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.

Today, the men of the North no longer have the economic freedom they once possessed. Their children cannot have first choice of jobs due to Affirmative Action hamstrings. Their children don't have favorable schooling opportunity as they once did. Their future is gone. They paid a terrible price for following a man. Our whole country suffered and we have continually suffered from following the leadership of other men who lacked biblical preference since even until today. We must follow Christ at all cost.


Moral Slavery Challenge

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What Tolerance of State Rights Would Have Cost

Biblical Institutions

Repatriation, Not Equal Rights or Affirmative Action

Fallen Politicians: Sarah Palin

American Dream and Slavery Inversion

Nature and Homogeneity

Slavery Abolition Heresy

Ulysses Grant

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