Awakened Swaggart Family Watchman Testifies of Donnie's Divorce and Remarriage:
Pictures and Legal Certificates

Media Dumb-Down Awareness

How to be Saved

Homeless Great Christians

Free Biblical Language Course CD

Christian Attractiveness

The Matter of Speaking in Tongues

Swaggart Misfortune

Self-denial and Obedience, not Tithes and Offerings

Swaggart Anti-dowry Deception

Dowry: How Much Should a Man Pay for a Virgin


Agape and Ethics



Marital Chastity


Right to Life


Christian Community Models


Purity/Chastity Better Than Abstinence

Dress Code


The Perverse, Subversive Media

(Seven Texts)

The Jewish Are Not Hebrew

Oral Roberts' Perversion of the Masses

Christians, please know whom and what you support:

Notice in the video Mr. Oral Roberts did repress homosexuality to some extent; however, his school promoted remarriage, unchastity and defiled sex. Many of the graduates of Oral Roberts University today continue to promote living in defilement … a great sin!

The devil can tell you part truth:

Charles Manson mocked, “Why can't ya'all just get along, love each other”, implying a negative thought of orgy-type sex instead of suicide concerning a jealous doctor whom Manson mentioned who killed himself because someone committed a sex act with his wife. __1997 parole hearing

Modern America's corrupt pastors are not usually that blatantly open about illicit sex, but adultery and remarriage can never be accepted among Christians! It was and still is disallowed since the New Testament.

Mr. Oral Roberts contributed to the fall of America in the 1960's, a great part of the apostasy. He promoted remarriage, defilement and fornication among clergy and the masses. He fostered heresy and schooled deceivers. Kenneth Copeland called him his "spiritual father". The decaying, United States' victims of pseudo-theology swallowed his toxic deception like poison with a shine on their face. Surprisingly, it takes a so-called “Christian” college and seminary to dumb down down a society with uncleanness false-theology that a young, sixth-grade, God-taught, innocent virgin could clearly tell you is a sin.

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Wealthy Defilement Promoters

Kenneth Copeland

Donnie Swaggart

Sexual Heretics


Defense against Defilement


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