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Waiting for Marriage
Patrilineal Homogeneity Policy Marriage: Appreciate Your Race Women's Lib (Profound Studies)
Planning Marriage for the Right Reasons (No Uncleanness) The Potential Mate Realizes Compromising with Sexually Immoral People Is Against God (Is not negatively influenced by heretics or does not adhere to any associative disorderly conduct) The Potential Mate Loves Me for the Right Reasons (Has been born-again, baptized and expresses himself righteously in conduct and speech according to knowledge of the Scriptures) The Potential Mate Loves God More than Me (Godliness and Selflessness) The Potential Mate Is as Strong or Stronger than Me in Faith (God-centered practical living and ideals) The Potential Mate Is Willing to Wait for the Right Time (No touch) Understands the 3 basic marriage principles (Example of Jacob and Rachel)
God can keep your mate. It is a big world with many wonders, but the creator is in control of it. Let us maintain self-control ( and bear fruit—Gal. 5) through His leading. Waiting works upon chastity. However, in the case of previous female defilement and abandonment by a man who is still alive, sexual abstinence and singleness (no dating at all), not waiting for a mate, would be required. Female Virginity and Sexual Chastity for Marriage (Ex. 22:16, Dt. 22:13-21, 28, 29) The once virgin female partner no longer has a justifiable opportunity to have sex with anyone else as long as her first male sex partner is alive--to do so would commit fornication. See the sermon "Illusion". Abandoned (defiled) or divorced females are required to remain single and sexually abstinent. Divorced males (from their once virgin or chaste widow) are required to remain single and sexually abstinent. Pray for those who uphold biblical morality, righteousness and virtue (Phil. 4:8). May God bless them the more and despite those who wish them evil; and those who wish them well may God even bless them the more. Amen.
Kissing and touching is intimate. Those things can wait for marriage. Friendship outings or “dating” should be made among other believers or at least with a chaperone. (The idea is to prevent the sexual temptation of being alone together until marriage. Marriage ceremonies are preferred before consummation especially due to today's legal laws.) Shomer negiah: Observant of touch 1 Corinthians 7:1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. (KJV)
Our hormones: We may be tempted.