
Google Book: Rebecca Latimer Felton, 1835-1930 Country Life in Georgia in the Days of My Youth.
Atlanta, Ga.: Index Printing Company, c1919.

A great woman who promoted morality among many other good things:

The dark, global media present slavery and release as bad but it is a biblical institution and was constitutionally valid. When it was replaced with pseudo-humanitarianism, the nation fell. Mrs. Felton was a great woman but women's suffrage was part of America's slide. Overt, anti-Christians have thrived at destroying the biblical foundations of our country while not decrying reverse racism (Affirmative Action), nor fraud of Herzl Matrilinealism and brutality in Gaza.



Ezra 10

Faithful Race

Adversaries against well-bornism and growth: Today we even have so-called Bible teachers promoting fornication!

Christianity, Psychology, Genetics and Intelligence:
Retardation through Tyranny and Anti-Christianity
Conflict with Government, Collusion, Political Fraud and Unjust License

Learning that remaining single is better than getting married and having a family: Male virginity: “... It is good for a man not to touch a woman.” (I Cor. 7:1)

Right to Dominion
Right to Property and Perpetuity of Slave-Ownership
Unfair and Adverse Economics:America's double standard of reversely replacing abolition with Affirmative Action

Interesting commentaries at racialcompact.com!
We Must Avoid Genocide: Press here

School: Teaching the child about biblical sex law

Appropriate Dress

Correcting Demographic Problems in Our Other Institutions

Racists (Moral Homogeneitists):
Christianity Promoting, Non-Race-Abdicating Military Leaders:
Men of Racial and Cultural Moral and Integrity
Robert E. Lee
Adolf Hitler
Moses and Samuel

To the contrary: Men not such as the above

Christianity Promoting, Non-Race-Abdicating Non-Military Leaders:
James, the servant of God, said that war resulted in asking amiss (James 4:3).

Other Overlooked Homogeneitists:
Abraham Lincoln

What if American school children were taught as they were back in Felton's time, before the Bible was taken out of school? If they were taught the New Testament in English until the 7th grade, and then perhaps go on learning Greek and Hebrew, Aramaic and other languages!

Caveat: Our ministers and teachers must beware of circumvention of the truth. Many Torah scholars study in a delusive way by not looking unto the full picture with the perspective that Jesus the Christ fulfilled the law. That is why perhaps New Testament Greek should be taught in middle and high school.

YouTube Videos Playlists (new video updated: Jan. 7, 2025)

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Why we promote racial and cultural homogeneity: Press here. A person may survive a car wreck and have like children afterward, but a person that has sex with another race destroys the genetic purity possibility of their offspring; physical and moral consequences can never be wiped out.

The first century Samaritans, formerly part of the ten tribes, had a displacement problem with the Assyrians and many lost their genetic inheritance. The Hebrews eventually lost theirs too. America and its original democracy was not orignially intended to be Babelized. We must avoid the generational curse.

Jesus is our hope.

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Loyalty to Christian culture and ethnic purity is a gift to humanity: Ezra 10. Tolerance of miscegenation is neglect toward ethnicity, an insult and wound toward posterity, a crime against nature, disrespect toward Christianity and culture... and sin!