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"It must be considered that those not of the seed of Abraham concerning the flesh and who are Talmudicist rather than of faith are neither part of Israel according to the flesh or faith."

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Indifferent Racism: Affirmative Action And The New Fascism

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The Two Racisms

Have you ever wondered what type of racist you are, determinate or indifferent? Indifferent racists condone Affirmative Action and don't try to remedy the suffering of the unfair discrimination against the White.

Indifferent racism is part of the New Fascism.

Indifferent racism was promoted by the alternative-Jews, who are heretics and have persecuted the Sephardic group in Israel, and the White in the USA and other N. European founded countries.

Indifferent racism is immoral.

On the other hand, determinate racism is moral in the sense a person should love his own race first.

Following are some examples of RIGHTEOUS RACISM: People of racial and cultural moral and integrity:

(1) Jesus Christ: He preferred the Jew before the woman and people of Canaan (Mt. 15. 21-28)

(2) So did the woman of Canaan. She acknowledged Jesus' racial judgment (she did not demand unrighteous Affirmative Action).

Have you determined to love your own race first?


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