No Big Bang: Creative Evolution

Within 518, 400 seconds the creation was made. That is a small fraction of the 189,000,000,000 seconds or so since the creation. To equate Hubble data with this time architecture will be a goal of mine in the future.

The Bible is truth and is sufficient for our mathematical time line. The generations of mankind amount to approximately 6,000 years. Languages today can be traced back toward the Tower of Babel. Their letters are similar. Man is too intelligent not to have formed his own language in a short time. There is no reason to think that man would have existed tens of thousands of years ago without forming his own language: this is just one reason I think the Bible gives evidence of its truth through the history of generations.

Another thing, now modern physicists are recognizing the cosmological inflation (expansion and repulsive gravitation), which is detailed in Genesis.

Time-phase interval 1

Time-phase interval 2

Time-phase interval 3

Time-phase interval 4

Time-phase interval 5

Time-phase interval 6

Time-phase interval 7

Time-phase interval 8

Time-phase interval 9

Time-phase interval 10

Time-phase interval 11

Time-phase interval 12

<-----Day and night without the sun from the first creation of light

Day and night from the second creation of light: Sun, moon and stars were created---->

Beginning of earth time; Indeterminable distance or size of the void matter

A firmament was created sometime during the second day

Dry land and seas appeared; vegetation

Cosmic time became recognizable to mankind

Moving creature; fowl, whales

Cattle, creeping things, man and woman

Cosmic time

Cosmic time

Cosmic time

Cosmic time

Cosmic time

Billions of years

Cosmic time


Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


Day 4


Day 5


Day 6
≈ 6,000 years ago

Seventh Day

Earth time: 2016

God's existence from eternity

Day 1 of the creation moving forward --->






Time moving forward toward future eternity ------>

Approximate estimated times: From time after zero second to time 43,200 seconds, based on an assumed, average time, began the first time-phase interval according to a Genesis analysis. Space and time were already created. It seems the earth was already formed to some degree even before light was known.

From time 43,201 seconds to time 86,400 seconds began the second time-phase interval, the first day and the discovery of light. We who live in modern times, 6,000 years or so after (1.89 x 1011 seconds), have never found this beginning source of light.

From time 86,401 seconds to time 129,600 seconds began the the second night. From 129,601 seconds began the inflation or expansion of the universe.

From time 216,001 seconds, dry land, seas and vegetation appeared. A tree probably grew from its roots in the unformed earth to full growth within the three days of its evolution. That's fast cellular growth! After day two their heat source was more distant. They bore fruit within a very short time because they were a food source for Adam and Eve, who were made only a few days later.

From time 302,001 seconds, day appeared from the second creation of light: the sun, moon and stars were created. So the inflation had probably separated the first light from the second sources. The earth was receiving the proper amount of heat to maintain without the first light source. Cosmic time became recognizable to mankind, even though it wasn't elaborated as such until the late centuries.

From time 388,401 seconds, animals, birds and whales lived and survived from the resources of the newly formed earth and heaven.

From time 474,401 seconds, cattle, creeping things, and even mankind were formed.

By time 518,400 seconds, the creation had been made. Today, we do not know the limits, curvature or the direction of the expansion at all times, but we assume it is accelerating (due to -p -- negative pressure), at least in parts. The earth and the cosmos has been evoluting for around 6,000 years but it will end at God's time for it to do so.


Faulty Time Machine Concept

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