The Speed of Space

The rim of the universe must be less than one day older than the center of the earth. The extremities from center to end have moved further away from each other than the normal speed of light can travel in that much time.

We must analyze physics according to the Genesis account. The big bang theory directs its activists toward the idea that light has been traveling for light years in a way opposite of an explosion and that the extremities are at least the time that it takes to travel that far by the speed of light. Not so!

Nevertheless, the extremities must be measured it seems by the speed of space, not the speed of light.


Big Bang Theory Can't Work

Hubble Law Inconsistency

Cosmology Equations

Cosmology Time Chart

Immeasurable Time

Six Days

Creation of Day Five and Six

Quantum Mechanics and Age


Decency And Order

Light: Day And Night Even Before The Sun Was Created

Hawking's “Black Hole” And “Big Bang” Deficiences

    They do not promote or reveal the true God, nor formulate the specific days of the creation in regard to movement of time and specific creation

Existence Of God Fron Eternity Moving Forward Psalm: 90:2 “Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.”

Man In Future Eternity: Accountability


    Man knows there is God from within his soul (natural revelation) and through writing (Torah—special revelation): The spiritual things he discovers through nature are designed to agree with God's written message and direction to mankind

    Natural Manifestation: Even the wicked and those who repress divinity know there is a Creator from within themselves