Profile: R.G. Stair

Bro. Stair

A church in order and its members seeking God and sharing with the brethren should not need outside interference such as police and legal courts. However, after hearing some of the tragic confessions, a general point to remember is that when an organization is in error and its supporters tolerate (or possibly even advocate) the error (in this case, the sin of legalized adultery), it gives the ones in power leverage to do more harm before the corruption and its other bad effects are addressed. Actually, if Stair and whore Teresa had been arrested and convicted for living in fornication (at one time this nation respected Biblical insight much more than it does now), a great deed for society could have been accomplished. Abuse (passive or active) can begin and continue with an individual, in a home, religious community, or political environment, nation, conglomerate of nations, and world. Here is a site that will give you biblical insight, and help you understand the legal and biblical issues of the various situations concerning things admitted (for instance, in at least one case, easy sex--without a scream) by people at the Stair community. Regardless, the people have a responsibility to seek and obey God. Perhaps, even though there has been great loss and suffering to some, they may seek and find restoration.

Stair is accused of breach of trust also.

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