Sports, Homogeneity and Christian Responsibility

We must remember that sports should never take the place of Christian responsibility. We have a duty to protect our homogeneous, Christian heritage. If Christians become indifferent to standing up for biblical institutions, they will not have an effective witness. We have forgotten our more glorious years during segregation. We suffered mixed sports after WW II. If we let up in one area of Godly structure, it will lead to the downfall in other areas, which evidently it already has. We must not stand idly by and allow the pollution of our posterity without a complaint. John Rocker was not silent and the fake news condemned him. Not many other professional sportsmen have upheld a nuance of love for homogeneity since. The Alt Right recommends their own ethno-state, which would be a great help to institute homogeneous sports again also, but they have many sins and things to work out in their own life. May God help us, amen.

Madonna and Colin Kaepernick are not our role models. We must be more concerned about the things of God:

"Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play" (I Cor. 10.7). See Exodus 32:6-14.

We must recognize the deity of Christ, and the biblical institutions. We must provide purity for our posterity.


Tim Tebow Mixed-race Adoption Error

Leroy “Satchel” Paige And Jim Crow

Curt Flood And Bob Gibson: Ungratefulness

Cassius Clay And Apostasy

Ronda Rousey And Racial Indifference

They Made Us Cossacks

Psychology And Christianity

Sports And Purity

Trad Thots: Encouraging The Alt Right