--- SUPPORT THE MULTILATERAL ETHNO-STATE DREAM: WHITES SHOULD HAVE THEIR OWN STATE (NATION) EVEN AS THE HEBREWS DID! Protect intimate family relationship >>>>> God >>>>> Man >>>>> Family >>>>> Race >>>>> Subrace >>>>> Community >>>>> Abraham >>>>> Isaac >>>>> Jacob >>>>> Hebrew Race >>>>> Subraces: Twelve Tribes >>>>> Nation of Israel >>>>> Homogeneous Communities


Miss Anonymous, even though she does not specifically promote Christianity, and may even be premeditating cuckoldry by not heeding the Christian, chastity requirement for marriage, has a direct voice for white and multilateral ethno-nationalism. She may be an envy of Hollywood actresses and enemies of traditionalism for her beauty and posh, lovely, English accent, but she has been an inspiration and crowd-drawer for the Alt Right movement. She and her friends have catapulted political activism for the concept of white racial and cultural homogeneity – the ethno-state.

As to her promiscuity, she is potentially dangerous as a beautiful person, but not as an advocate for the freedom and rescue political movement. Her beauty, femininity and loyalty to whiteness make her something much different than the betraying “Trad Thot” of Alex Nicholson's perspective. Her articulation of separatism ideas makes her unique and attractive in itself.

Samson was a great man for the ancient nation of Israel. He was very strong and collapsed a building upon a great number of his enemies through the strength of his arms and shoulders, although killing himself in the process. His death was brought about through his activity and seduction by Delilah, an attractive woman of the people of ancient Israel's enemy. Nevertheless, his demise occurred at great cost and destruction to his enemies.

Many Christians admire Samson and hold his faith and virtues until this day. Likewise, we have many enemies as Samson did. Our enemies would like to see the Spencer white dream and recurrence of one white people and their own government never come to fulfillment, but with the help of Miss Anonymous and the Alt Right women, we are advancing toward our goal everyday. Many of us have a weakness for attractive women as Samson did, but many of our more mature men know how to overcome the attraction of any beautiful woman. As to the thoughts of political seduction, white males do not have to be afraid of jeopardizing their government because they are already politically embedded in a tyranny. Furthermore, Miss Anonymous' illicit sexual promotions are not worse than some of the hypocritical preachers and evangelists who are already known world-wide. Nevertheless, promiscuity nor legalized fornication can ever be acceptable as to Christianity, but neither can diversity and a mixed-race government to an ethno-state adhering to the biblical institution of racial and cultural homogeneity.

Neither the false god of sexual lust or overthrown government, advanced sedition and the dissolving of racial and cultural homogeneity since the Civil War will suffice, but we must choose politically not to diversify if we expect not to become muddled or extinct. So, we have a dilemma, and must realize that our government separation from other races (even by contract or secession) is necessary in order to establish a viable place to live as a separate people and demographic, and then, hopefully we can establish better living circumstances and churches, and develop better ministers to help people repent from their sexual deviations and other lusts.

Miss Anonymous' female friends, like herself, were brought up in the apostasy. That is not an excuse to avoid following God's commandments today, but they have lived in a time when multiculturalism has easily persecuted and misled whites. Many of them went to schools that were not didactic and they may not have had good parental guidance either. Unfortunately, many of them ruined their future for marriage by having sex, and marriage requires female virginity or widow chastity. Nevertheless, they can still live fruitful lives without sin (fornication) as singles if necessary. It is the next generation that is important also, and the youth of the next generation need the examples of repentance, faithfulness, abstinence and purity. If these girls don't fully repent and sacrifice their contemporary life for the benefit of others, then they will not really be successful in their political endeavors. However, if they do, they will no longer be considered thots; they will be considered blessed. Everyone that makes the one hundred eighty degree turn will be a victory for the virtue of God's institutions of marital purity and racial homogeneity both. Let us men encourage our women to do what is right and pray for them. Good tradition will prevail. May God help us, amen.


Multilateral Ethno-Nationalism

Commission For The United Alt Right

NWO Disformation Of Social Morality And Resulting Cuckoldry

Damage Control: Fornication Recovery

Understanding Fornication Mechanics

Difficult Times For Marriage