It's Okay To Be Single!

Hope For The Single Woman Longing For Marriage

The Truth About Gene Wars: r/K Selection Theory [P1

The Apostle Paul was single. He managed to live his life for God that way. Godly women can also live for God as singles. Marriage is not necessarily the ultimate goal in life, living for God should be: whether single or married.

However, most women usually go after the guys with the broad shoulders, have a secure background for employment or have lots of money. Women love material things, they are not really interested in a Bible nerd or being one.

They do have a cultural problem today though. They can't find good men so easily anymore. Some men have become hardened against marriage and signing their life away to a woman whom they think may betray them in the future by falling into defilement, and then have to suffer the female advantage the courts give them. Due to lack of penalizing female unchastity, our country has been destroyed culturally.

White men can't go and get a job as easily as non-whites. They don't have Affirmative Action benefits. Therefore, they can't support a beautiful woman or be as financially attractive as they would like to be. They can't live in a homogeneous community to give their future spouse a more safe environment to live in. They know they may be forced to live in a mixed neighborhood that the people don't have natural love for one another. They wouldn't want to bring children up in a hostile environment. Psychological factors (r/K) do not favor them either.

So, now, today, even a beautiful virgin is not sought after as much by good men as she should be. Our nation is deteriorating all the time. The biblical institutions have been destroyed. My suggestion for good women (virgins) would be to look for a chaste Christian man in the Alt Right.


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Female Virginity Is A Necessity

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