Pocket Billiards: Luxury Versus Treacherous Hedonism

Lovely Loree Jon Jones is an awesome player. She is not the reminiscence of the promiscuous bar girls playing pool that extended their treachery and tried to hustle drunks and over-sipping, awkward “road men” during their leisure hours. She is really beautiful and well mannered. From a game I saw her with a former professional man who had been retired for years, when she missed, her disappointment was real but she managed herself in an admirable way, much better than many men who curse, do something socially unwarranted and passionately display a humiliated ego. She had humility and held back the human lower nature. Sadness and grief is expected after failure, but the more cool type of player evades unnecessary emotion. Self-control is a great attribute in itself.

Pool is a demanding sport and it requires concentration and determination. No excellent player ever achieved a feat of making a series of wonderful shots without a lot of practice. During the game, there are times of feeling pressure and, on the other side of mental consciousness, confidence. I have heard many players use the name “God”, especially during times of missing a shot or being disappointed, but to their spiritual loss, their day-and-night lifestyle seemed to be more prone toward their pleasures and selfish gain rather than really serving Him and seeking his kingdom. Overcoming night-time fatigue and playing with stability and persistent performance even under odds is a trait of the more skilled player.

Many tournaments pay the winner an amount of money, and sometimes even the loser. However, usually a fee is charged to enter the contest, which is still actually a form of gambling or putting up something for the sake of a material reward. Many times, covetness and greed become part of matches. Instead of being a pure, athletic endeavor, pool may become a sinful enterprise to those lacking vigilance for their Creator. Hollywood promoted gambling and vain glorious, deceiving and theft-like, hedonistic life through movies like “The Hustler” and “The Color of Money”. The Dick Van Dyke show demonstrated without glorifying the evil practice of the pervert in “Hustling the Hustler” the depravity of such type gamblers, and no decent person can admire the attitude of a Romanian smecher.

Always remember to keep good manners spiritually and not to gamble, and in the long run, it is better to give than to receive. Having a desire to help someone prosper financially is much better than wanting to take what they already have. Experiencing and enjoying a game without falling into lustful sin is a much greater achievement than becoming a fallen and miserable master of the cue stick. Luxury must be used as a benefit, not a vice or demise.

Loree looks more like the luxury-type of player rather than the hedonistic, bar-girl type. Pool halls don't offer free pool. It is actually an expensive game. Either you have to possess wealth and own your personal table or you have to get training and experience elsewhere – that can add up to tens of dollars per day not counting time, transportation, companion aids, motels and food. Those with plenty of money can avoid the meeting of those who aren't so fortunate and develop a fine game at home. Practicing difficult shots without others seeing you may be an advantage. Nevertheless, competition and interaction with others without personal fortune, perhaps also lacking expected grace and honorable behavior qualities, is at times a necessary part of sport and training development.

An important thing to remember about training is staying down when you shoot. Never move up during the stroke of the cue ball. It is a sign of an inexperienced player also. Developing a good stroke, proper spin, throw (slicing or anti-slicing) and a fine eye for cutting cannot be overlooked. Fancier things such as masse and jump shots can be added. A percentage strategy may seem to come about so you know what you can do more successfully without missing a shot and giving the opponent an opportunity.

My suggestion to young women and men would be to become more philosophical and learn good tradition, be athletic and healthy, but if your parents can't afford to buy a billiard table, then learn ping-pong or some other less expensive home activity. Family fellowship and collective, genetic, social love is important. Helping society should be much more important to you than taking from them. Never glamorize vanity and taking the prosperity and good welfare of others by deception as the deceived do. Remember the founders of the USA and their early struggles to develop white superior position and faithful posterity. The country was formerly a place wherein many promoted Christianity, biblical institutions, dignity and honor, historical monuments of its people, loving others by choice, much more so than communistic and nihilistic, Marxist tyrannies. Have faith and find your way in a wicked world that will not leave you like a barren fig tree without fruit. Learning of Jesus the Christ and following him is the only way.


Youth Boost And Training In Righteousness

Avoid Covetness And Gambling

Avoid Shame And Grief For Sin

Homogeneity And Sports

Addiction And Bar Life Recovery

Christianity, Psychology And Sports

Gambling, Conspiracy And The Connection To Usury

Physics And Vector Mathematics

Cue Ball Spin

Cue Ball Control

Take it from a pro...