Hal Lindsey

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Billy Graham

R.G. Stair

David Wilkerson

America's Preachers On Skid Row


Materialism And Media

Jerry Falwell

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We are living in a time when people are not living up to God's standards. They are breaking his commands, letting themselves and others down. As a drug addict fails to overcome his bad habits, so do many of the preachers of our day.


Relative Cognizance Failure (to know to do good and do it not is sin!) is when a person is used to something that is not normal for an upright person. A drunkard, for instance, may not notice from his overall view when he is tempted to drink that he is doing something relatively harmful. Due to becoming used to a bad habit, he may excuse himself from the necessary inhibition not to sin through substance abuse. Similarly, the fornicator may overlook the problem his sexual appetite may cause. Relatively, both the drunkard and the fornicator have set lower moral and ethical standards or excuses for themselves that an abstinent person who is conscious of sin and intemperance recognizes as impermissible. Don't let such have a negative influence on your life!

Let us live a blameless life and lift God's people up to meet His requirements. Let us set a Godly example among our world. Let us pray for those who need help so bad before it is eternally too late. Let us reprove those pastors and evangelists who steer a different course than the Bible, which leads to disaster. Amen. We must not only condemn pharmaceutical abuse but we must also lift the standard against legalized adultery, and any other sin. May our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ be merciful, loving and kind, and with holiness and discipline that God will approve.

Dan. 11:31-35 is an example of how God makes some of his people more obedient through a fall. No sensible person should want to fall, but a person can always seek help from God. It is never too late to seek help if there is a willing heart to turn to God. See James 3.2.

Our community is not designed for rehabilitating addicted people and we don't have enough trained members and other essentials to begin one (an auxiliary community). However, if you know someone suffering from tobacco, alcohol or drug addiction, some rehabs and Christian communities may offer free help. I am sorry, but many of them are phony! Nevertheless, if a person hasn't handled his problem, then what has he got to lose—begin somewhere.

To get started, an addict may need encouragement or renewed hope. Then there is the possibility of relapse: It may take a couple of years or so after living a life off an addictive substance before the person begins to feel normal again (some damage may exist or remain)—learning to live again and enduring emotional lifts and disappointments—but it can be done! The relapser must learn to throw away the psychological crutch (the abusive substance) for enough time to develop the ability to live life again without it; otherwise, the same starting over endeavors and failures remain. There are many ex-addicts alive today. Even with a little faith, there is chance of personal, spiritual enlightenment or revival of any person. Realizing success comes from two emotions: holy fear and love of God, I recommend a continuous, Christian setting.

Practice your will power for Jesus Christ. When you choose to eat or not eat something, you exercise your will power. People on a health diet realize this easily. God will give you the strength to overcome sin (including willfully abusing substance or allowing it to abuse you) if you look unto Him. Let Jesus reign in your life.

Believe And Be Baptized: Three Easy Steps To Un-Addiction, Replacement Of Sin And Being Saved

Mt. 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

[I used to live in a room like a wired “cage” (as I thought of it) on the Bowery. It was at a place called the Delavan. I remember it as a death-trap—a place that a person will never get out of unless he makes an attempt to do so. Just a little note to let you know according to my former shame and inferior (negatively addicted) living that I am familiar with people trying to survive from day to day in a hard world. Thank God for his deliverance, amen.__Br. Ken]

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