A study on necessary housing reform law: There is a difference between allowed (Dt. 23:16) and forced (oppressive) integration!
Desegregation and forced integration is an undue form of Marxist, interference and oppression of race and culture.

Desegregation is a form of undue government control and restriction against the freedom of people, especially whites. People must be independent and depend upon development of others of their own race in order to sustain a viable management process. A divided society cannot stand and a Marxist, mixed society is only fit for government tyranny and rule of the divisions. Americans must be trained to go to other countries and help others learn segregation and self-dependence, not invite blending of race and culture.

Becoming Better People Through Learning and Self-Dependence

Housing and segregation law is necessary to build dependency among peoples of similar genetics and culture. To restrict a white person from developing a neighborhood according to racial and cultural homogeneity is Marxist deformity, not government. Similarly, avoiding a black neighborhood to develop under its own racial and cultural leadership is preventing self-management of a complete race. Segregation laws can protect peoples, races and freedom, not destroy them as the Jewish did in the post-50's and late decades. Disallowing segregation law and pertaining legal refinements is like destroying the biblical institution of slavery, rather than tending to its legal refinements. A world made by demonic peoples and their values will only end up under Satan's control.

Roosevelt's View on Immigration

Rubio biasly says HUD is about the “American Dream”. He says it is a way of “empowering” people, but he is more like a Kissinger “good eater” himself rather than an official with the ability to establish national self-dependence. He has a Marxist, third world background and in an incoherent or willfully fabricated way proclaims American “conservatism” as if it were a “minority” relief program. Abraham Lincoln by no means expressed it that way. He has shown no evidence of earning his own way apart from ungratefully riding the back of the white man, with no mention of not restricting and oppressing the founder heir race. Giving and handouts through Affirmative Action is not a solution for America's underachieving, a merit based system is necessary. Providing shelter and turning America into a refuge center for the needy of the world is not the answer for “democracy”.

Establishing freedom of races and cultures to live among their own, work among their own, and hire among their own is what democracy should be about, not infringing and parasiting among the whites. The whites can't make other races and cultures better by being close to them, by giving them a sacrilegious and tyrannous pride of restrictive government control over their divinely superior, racial competitors. It will take learning self-dependence and standing on their own achievements, not their comfort of being near the white. Abraham Lincoln also spoke directly concerning this. Let Americans not be as those that unrighteously gloat over the destruction of the biblical ideal of racial homogeneity and the sufferings of Ezra the priest (Ezra 10:3) and Nehemiah (Ne. 13:3-29).

Community and housing is actually established by Hebrew law, and many countries have been influenced by it. The Hebrews segregated their twelve tribes through borders. Marriage law came about which generally forbade even the marriage of a daughter of one tribal member to a male of another tribal member, members were to keep within their own tribes so as to bless their posterity. Segregation and its anti-Torahian and anti-Christian antagonists will think of all kinds of racial pollution to discourage biblical thought on the issue, but if you really want correct guidance, recognition of the biblical institutions is necessary, not racial blending and pollutive parasitism due to political opportunism.

Fox 10 Ben Carson Confirmation Hearing

I like Mr. Carson, and think he is a fine man in many ways. Even though he came in an era wherein blacks were given a great advantage of ease and non-merit through Affirmative Action benefits, he still worked at what he was doing. He made some great achievements. Nevertheless, I can easily recognize his intellectual and theological, racial immaturity, and failure to realize the oppression of whites through undue favor and benefits to the entitlement and welfare social classes. His questioning and judging peers among the hearing were in the same trap of willful or passive ignorance.

Abraham Lincoln thought educated blacks might consider giving a start of racial homogeneity to the white man, not just freedom for the blacks. However, Mr. Carson although educated, seems to pay no attention to Lincoln's desire, and similarly loving his own comfort also as Mr. Lincoln mentioned, actually intends to oppressively defy through forced integration the righteous and homogeneous will of Lincoln and the white.

There is an unwillingness on the part of our people, harsh as it may be, for you free colored people to remain with us. Now, if you could give a start to white people, you would open a wide door for many to be made free.”

Author: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Title: Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 5, P. 372. Publication date: 1953 Electronic Form: sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Association (6-9-2005)

Mr. Carson said America has a history of being “compassionate”. True. It has been, but it also has been unduly biased toward welfare recipients, which enabled entitlement growth rather than self-dependence. Its decisions upon helping the poor were not really always from the people, but more likely the people's behind-the-curtain masters, the NWO elite and rulers of debt-based economy, who took the country from self-dependence to globalist dependency, the sufferings of hidden, foreign rule.

It is not the developing of “talent” that is so important, but the directing toward racial self-dependence and segregated inter-dependence. Learning to live in manners that represent true equality do not restrict economic growth, housing and community development, and potential of white segregation or other racial freedom of any other race. Sadly, Mr. Carson openly said he didn't have anything against Affirmative Action and integration, proving himself completely incapable of helping racial self-dependence and avoiding Socialist parasitism, the Marxist deathbed for any nation.

Although Mr. Carson objected to centralist rule over such housing and community situations, he did not directly say that administration should be left to the states rather than the federal government. The beneficiaries of Lincoln's compassion have turned one hundred eighty degrees against his will. What is needed is an AFFIRMATIVE repeal of racial favoritism, including Affirmative Action, housing and any other oppressive and unfruitful laws obstructing the freedom and pursuit of happiness of the white people who founded this country.

Final note: Although it is actually very sad, it was sort of funny that Ms. Warren seemingly exposed herself as to revenge or fear of the prosperity of Mr. Trump and his family in such a manner that she expressed it was an American duty not to allow them to profit through America's government business. I think she really made a selfish fool out of herself, and she is a scary example of the type of biased people in our congress today. It has been the lobbyists and career politicians who have robbed the country, not a mere president through construction enterprise. Without moral leadership and a dumb-downed people to begin with, America is likely to be doomed at whatever the circumstances. Most political parasites can't fathom the thought of self-dependence as Lincoln tried so hard to explain, and our government doesn't have the competent officials with the mentality to allow the infected nation to heal from its blending, anti-prosperity, inter-racial virus.